The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 29 November 2016

29/11/16 Cabarita Beach

   Another short drive today , shopping needed to be done and we went to a few supermarkets today , some good , some not so good . A few things we normally get , were more than double the normal price we pay - that was a bit rude !! We were a little blinded by a 10% discount voucher at the local IGA - it was given to us by the show ground , and while we don't mind spending money locally - we don't like being ripped off either !!
 Rant over , we went for a drive out to the coast again , this time a little further south , to Cabarita Beach . The drive took us through cane fields , up & down hills , past streams & creeks - a nice drive.
 After doing a little bit of shopping , we drove down to Norris Headland which separates Cabarita Beach from Casuarina Beach . Both beach's stretch into the distance north & south , there's also a smaller beach beside the headland , lucky to be 200m long .

Cabarita Beach

The short Cabarita Beach and Casuarina Beach

  Cabarita Beach from Norris Headland 

 We wandered up the boardwalk to the headland , stopping for a photo & then just sitting and watching the ocean .

  Going back down , there was a young sea eagle perched on a bare pandanus branch , chewing on a fish recently captured .

 Getting back to the beach , we walked along it and up the steps back to the ute , then having lunch in the Lions Park .

  Taking another road back was a treat as well , we went along Round Mountain Rd , which brought us back to Murwillumbah , again up & down hills , winding our way through valleys back to the sugarcane again .
 Only a quick blog today , here's a map link :-

Monday 28 November 2016

28/11/16 Fingal Head

 Getting used to the quiet here & catching up on some sleep again . We get up and check out our view of Mt Warning .

 Today we’re heading off to Fingal Beach to have a look , as we’ve never been here in all our visits to the Gold Coast . It was only about 30 klms away , so didn’t take too long to get there . Pulling up at the carpark beside the surf club , we wandered down to the beach , doing the hot sand shuffle till we got to the wet sand . There’s a good stretch of white sand going all the way up to the Tweed River entrance and some form of ship loading facility ??? maybe sand ???? who knows !! 

 The beach also went further south to the headland , which also has the lighthouse and the Giants Causeway .

 Cook Island is also close to the coastline .

 The walk along the beach also finished our drive back to the east coast as we dipped our toes in the Pacific Ocean .
  There were a few BlueBottles washed up on the beach - they’re called Blue Bottles for a reason .

Heading back to the ute , we checked out some of the houses , many have been renovated or knocked down & rebuilt  . It’s a great location , ocean one side and the Tweed River on the other .
 We found our way up to the lighthouse and took lunch with us , finding a seat under some of the pandanus trees . It was hot away from the breeze , but fortunately it kept us cool as we ate lunch . We also had company for lunch - a pod of about 30 dolphins decided to keep us amused swimming back & forth in front of us .

 Lunch complete , we found a bearded dragon on the way down to Giants Causeway . 

The Giants Causeway is a part of the headland that has nearly been cut off . It was formed when lava from the volcano cooled slowly , forming these basalt columns . The volcano , by the way was centred at Mt Warning - that is the remnant core of the volcano !! 

 Walking around the headland , we checked out the view over Dreamtime Beach towards Kingscliff , before having a look at one of the most insignificant lighthouses we’ve seen 

 Making our way back home , we looped around to Terranora and went down the other side of the Tweed River back to Murwillumbah . We found a nice lookout over the river and out to the ocean .

Saturday 26 November 2016

26/11/16 Natural Bridge

 After a good night's sleep , we got up about 8am - we are in a nice quiet spot here at Murwillumbah . Some washing done and a few little jobs , we headed off to Queensland - it's only 27 klms from here - and over the scenic rim to Natural Bridge . The road is popular for day trippers and motorbikes , pity the road isn't really wide , or smooth . It follows the Rous River for a good part of the drive from Murwillumbah - I'm sure the road winds around more than the river !! After driving up & down hills , we started to climb to the top of the range and the Queensland border - we stopped and took this photo of the valleys looking back to the southeast .

  Passing over the top , we dropped into the Numinbah Valley , equally as impressive !

  We only had 4 klms to go to get to Natural Bridge , we arrived shortly after crossing the border .
It's located in a valley not far from the main road , in dense rainforest , trees towering above trying to get to the sunshine . There are lots of Hoop Pine here .

  Heading off down the track and steps , we wandered through the rainforest , birds chirping , scrub turkeys scratching around in the leaf mulch on the valley floor , not worried about us walking past them . Only a short stroll beside the creek and we were there , water was flowing reasonably well
meaning the falls would be good to look at . You walk up some steps to a viewing platform to give you your first glimpse of the bridge and waterfall .

  The arch above the plunge pool is a cave and a home for bent wing bats , and some glow worms - not that we could see any though .
  Up some steps , then down into the cave , we had it to ourselves for a few minutes before a continuous stream of people kept arriving . Then the rain started , so we stayed a bit longer in the shelter of the cave . The cave reminded us of the Undarra lava tubes in Far North Queensland , only a much smaller version .

 Up the steps again and up the track that takes you to the top of the waterfall where it drops into the cave .

 Then around and across the creek to the other viewing point , oh , and here we are .

 Back up the bitumen track to the ute , and around to a picnic area where we had some lunch before heading back .
 On the way over we passed through the village of Chillingham , where we saw a strange tree . It had 2 trunks coming out of a central stump - thing strange about that - except that one was green leaves , the other was red flowers !!

 Beside this tree was another with white puffball type flowers on it .

 Back to town to get a few things at the supermarket and back to the van for a nice cold beer - nice to be out & about again !!
 Here's a map link :-

Friday 25 November 2016

24/11/16 Rocky Creek dam near Nimbin

  With our van undergoing surgery for a wheel alignment problem , we headed out & up in the hills toward Nimbin . 
  First stop was Rocky Creek Dam , only 30 klms from Lismore . The drive up was impressive , through a huge amount of Macadamia trees - the self proclaimed Macadamia Capital of Australia !!! there was even a sign saying so !!
 After driving down very narrow roads , we found the dam . Mown grass leading downhill to the water , great playgrounds for kids , Bbq’s , tables & chairs , it certainly gets looked after . Unfortunately they don’t allow swimming , kayaking , boating etc - it would be a spectacular place for a paddle .

 There are several walks you can do also , we chose one that takes you down & across the dam wall , around to the spillway , then down & along the creek on a boardwalk and then back up to the picnic area - only about 1.4klms .
 Views from the dam wall were great , as the dam wall is only about 3m above the water line.

 Around to the spillway - basically a sloping concrete pad the size of half a football field . One walk takes you across here and loops back around through the rainforest - it was 6.2 klms . After checking the spillway & creek out , something caught my eye , so I followed it across the rocks to get a photo - a gold coloured dragonfly !!! - it’s the first one I’ve seen that colour , and it was very impressive !!

 Further down the platypus walk , we reached the boardwalk and stopped and watched for a while to see if there were any there . We found ducks , tortoise and fish , but no platypus .

The creek has a large population of water lillies , a lot of which were flowering .

 The walk was all uphill from here , but it was a good track with steps , then a boardwalk . I heard rustling in the undergrowth and spotted a monitor - it was over a metre long - the biggest we’ve seen here .

 Back to the ute , we headed off to Minyon Falls . The road took us beside Nightcap National Park , and through some magnificient forest , Bluegums 50 to 60m tall stretched upwards through dense scrub & rainforest . It is pretty dry up here , they haven’t been getting all the rain other areas have been . There is a causeway that crosses the creek that feeds Minyon Falls - there was water there , but not flowing .

  The views from the deck were okay , but very hazy due to the strong sea breeze coming in. There is a viewing point called Minyon Grass , that looks straight back at the falls , it’s also a picnic area .The viewing platform is framed by gum trees , and gives a great viewpoint . You can see the volcanic history in the rock formations - it would be spectacular when it is in full flow !!

 From here we found our way to Mullimbimby and had lunch beside the Brunswick River , before heading back down the highway to Ballina and back to Lismore . A stop at the Macadamia Castle was called for - chilli , garlic , lime & pepper  and sour cream & chives flavoured nuts were tasted and purchased , as well as a macadamia & mango icecream - YUMMMMMM 
  Back along the new highway and through the new tunnel and we were back to Lismore in no time . Stopping at a park for a quiet read and pass some time before going back to the van . We got a free nights accomodation as it wasn’t finished yet - that was nice , as we were away from the highway and inside a huge factory unit - what was that noise - Oh that’s right , it’s called SILENCE , no traffic noise , what a good night’s sleep . Pity though , we were up at 6am to get the van ready for them to carry on with their work . 
 That’s it for yesterday , and you’ve got a bit of today already , here’s a map link :-

Sunday 20 November 2016

20/11/16 Still here !!

 Hi there people , we have been busy with upgrading our water tanks and shower and taking care of little bits & pieces , so we haven't managed to get out & about till yesterday .
 Yesterday we headed out to Grevillea to visit Garry & Robbie for the day - they are about 80 klms from us , higher up in the Richmond River Valley .
 It was great seeing them and catching up on everything . While we were sitting outside beside the shed , a frog leapt through between us all . It landed and took off again rapidly . Before we knew it , a whip snake about 1m long went straight over my foot , chasing the frog !!! Didn't have time to be worried by it , it had disappeared under the shed before we could do much about it !! A little bit unnerving let me tell you !!! We also saw another snake on the way back to Lismore - it appeared to be having a sleep in the middle of the road !!
 The rest of the day was very subdued .

 Today we decided to go for a paddle on the Wilson River here in Lismore , while we have paddled here before , we went in a different direction today , heading toward Ballina .
 Not long after starting we found an old wharf , used when the milk used to be transported by boat . Looking at the timber , you can tell how long ago it was used , now in a state of disrepair rotting away . Bolts hanging in the little bit of timber that's left .

  Next we went under the road bridge and Bruxner Highway , it's a very busy road .

 The river is a little brown , heavy with silt , branches & tree trunks floating down . The banks are covered in what I think is Morning Glory - a rampant weed with mauve / purple trumpet flowers , that spreads over anything and everything . There are also stands of Bamboo stretching 20m into the air . Another tree , that looks like it could be a bit of a pest , has some red flowers and bean type seedpods.  It is also growing quite well along the river , and with the seedpods hanging over the water , you can see how easily this one will spread .

 The sun was out and baking us , we tried to get in the shadows of the overhanging trees to cool us down a bit - it was 30 degrees !! Here we are - just in case you've forgotten - maybe you've chosen to ???

  Reflections were great , with the blue sky , green foliage & the water .

  Some vegetation was a bit clever where it decided to take root - about 300mm above the edge of the river on a log - there was some sedge , grass and a bottlebrush tree .

 There was a tail wind and the tide running out , assisting us to go down the river , so we decided it was time to head back again - we haven't paddled since Lake Argyle - a few months ago ( seems like a long time ago !! ).

 After all that activity , we loaded up and went looking for a lookout we'd seen a sign for a few years ago , but couldn't find then . With the gps taking us up a dead end street , telling us we'd reached our destination , we then decided we'd have a look in a different street and see where it would take us . Eventually after a bit of back tracking , we found it !! Pity it was overgrown by trees and you couldn't actually get much of a view of Lismore - if the trees were trimmed it would be awesome !! There is a great picnic area there as well .
 Back for lunch , and to chill for the rest of the afternoon .

 After a wheel alignment on Wednesday , we should be back out there on the road again . Till then , bye for now .