Moved down to Jarrahdale , up on the Darling Scarp (ridgeline that runs for quite a distance from north of Perth to past Bunbury ) . We stayed at the free camp they provide for 3 nights . It is beside what was a timber mill . The forest around here is quite nice with lots of Jarrah forest . Trails lead into the bush from the campsite , here's what it looks like .
There are some small buildings as well , fenced off now , but these were the single mens accomodation , with a communal ablutions block beside them . Shame they are starting to fall apart .
Still , they are in a beautiful setting .
Not far from those huts is the old mill , it was one of the newer mills that was electrified . The roof is falling in now , but this structure is where the timber was stacked after being cut . The centre is a large turntable that turns to allow the cut timber to be stacked in the appropriate section , then removed for stockpiling outside .
Here's an unloading / loading crane in the yard .
They loved their belts & pulleys .
There are thousands of wattle trees reclaiming the areas around the old mill . You can understand why there are so many when you see how many seeds they produce . Here's just a small section of one tree !!
Even though it's past spring , there are still some wildflowers to be found.
And of course there's hundreds of grass trees around as well , flower spikes pointing skyward .
We headed down to Serpentine Dam one afternoon , it's a bit neglected when compared to other dams in the area . This is a close as you can get to the edge of the dam wall - you can still drive across and there's a parking area on the southern side , so you can walk to have a look . The dam is fairly full at the moment .
We visited Terry & Robyn another day before moving on further south . Here's a map link :-