The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 8 December 2015

7 & 8/12/15 Swanning around

 Monday 7th , weather not overly nice , showers & windy and cold - only got to 19 degrees - definitely not to our liking !!!
 Time to get away from the RV for a while , so we headed back out to the coast and drove down to North Fremantle via the coast road . There are some very impressive houses all the way down the coast , most have spectacular views of the ocean and out to Rottnest Island - needless to say the price tag would be right up there as well !!
 We stopped and had lunch at City Beach , sitting on a bench in the sun , trying to stay warm !! City Beach would have to be one of the larger beaches , having a wide sand area , large car park and promenade , and a large surf club with cafes & restaurants .
 Continuing on we stopped at Cottesloe Beach - one of Perth's more famous beaches - it also has a large 3 storey surf club , with restaurants etc .

   The weather started to close in again , so we headed for home to get the washing in before it got wet again . The day was a bit damp , so we ended it by having a swim in the heated pools and then a spa .
 Tuesday 8/12/15
  Today we spent a lot of the morning organising airfares etc for our quick trip back east , then we headed into Perth to go for a 13klm ride around the Swan River . We drove into Perth & over the Narrows Bridge and turned off to South Perth . There are large expanses of grassed areas beside the river , with a bike only track and a separate one for pedestrians !! There are of course restaurants beside the water , catamaran hire , playgrounds and exercise areas . One area was being set up for a horse show jumping type event  .
 The city was just across the water , not as grand as Sydney's or Melbourne's skyline , but has it's own character .

 Continuing on , we passed Burswood Crown Casino and the new Super Stadium that's in the process of being built - it will be huge - there are 10 cranes set up to build it .

  Crossing to the city side of the river , we rode on the side and below the main roadway of the bridge keeping us away from the traffic .

  We had some lunch at one of the landscaped areas beside the river , before riding past lots of apartment buildings and a small marina type area , with 4 storey buildings and the city skyline in the background .

 We rode past the WACA , and found a stiff breeze to ride into - the next 2 klms were a bit of a struggle as we rode into the wind . We stopped at Barrack Square near the Bell Tower and the Elizabeth Quays project that was supposed to be finished by January - not sure whether they specified the year though - it's running behind time - quite a bit !! The Bell Tower is beside the Barrack St Jetty where you can get ferries to Fremantle and around the Swan River . There is an interesting structure - an arbour , where the plants will eventually be trained over it , providing shade and a nice cool area . It's a bit bare at the moment , but still interesting .

 Because of all the construction work at the Quay , we had to ride around the Entertainment Centre and Bus Exchange , before we found our way again , and up onto the Narrows Bridge . Kings Park was on our right and the old Swan Brewery with it's red roof was beside the road out toward Fremantle .

  We crossed over the bridge and turned back under it , to find cars parked under the bridge - an interesting car park - you either have to walk into the city or ride your bike if you park here .Arriving back at the ute , we loaded the bikes up and then had a sit down beside the river across from the city .

 While I was down taking a photo with my wife , someone snapped off a couple of photos - wonder who that could have been ???

 Back to the ute and back to the RV - we are about 13klms from the city , and it only took about 15mins to get back there . After a little bit of food shopping , we jumped in for a swim & spa , before having a beer and finishing of the salsa .
 Day done , here's a map :-

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