Today we hit the road again , driving in a few loops around Narembeen that totalled up about 200klms !!
First we drove west to the Old Prospectors Trail , which covered some of the route from Perth to the goldfields , and also took in Roe Lookout - another rather large granite rock !!
Driving west out of town we came across an interesting site - I know they’ve had a lot of rain, but didn’t know they’d had this much .
The views from the lookout were over more wheat and canola fields , with salmon gums poking up everywhere .
Continuing on , the roads were all gravel and in really good condition - you could tell where people had driven during the rain . We reached a wet point on the road , but decided to go through - it was half dry and the rest a bit muddy , we made it through with a bit of wheel spin through the wet clay . A bit further down the road there was another big wet patch - we didn’t go any further , turning around and going back through the other wet patch and taking another road around . We stopped not long after and checked under the tray - it was caked in clay !! Lesson learnt - stay off gravel roads when they are mostly dry with the odd wet patch !!!
The road system here is quite good , gravel roads run parallel to the main roads , with intersecting roads going off at 90 degrees linking them all together !!
We made our way to the Wakeman water ski lake that is now filling up after recent rain . A few of the locals turned up to see when they could have a ski - probably tomorrow after a bit more run in .
Inside the facilities I found 2 stumpy tailed skinks / lizards having a drink from a dripping tap.
After another 30 klms of straight road , we found Roe Dam - Narembeen’s water supply dam . It’s been built into another granite rock outcrop , with walls built around the rocks to guide water into the dam .
Another drive took us to Anderson Rock Reserve and seemed to be a good place for lunch . There was a north easterly wind blowing and the heat coming off the rock was quite noticeable . After lunch we headed up the rock to check out the Gnamma Holes ( water holes in the rock ) that the aborigines used for water access when they were passing through .
Every now and then as we walked something would catch your eye - moving very quickly across the rocks - you could only see them when they moved - they were little lizards , same as the ones we found on Kokerbin Rock . There was a whole group of little ones also running around - but they were impossible to see unless they were moving . They are extremely well camouflaged !!
We headed back to Narembeen and checked out the grain discovery centre , then filled the ute up again - diesel was $1.11 . The grain discovery gives you a history of wheat & other grains , how they’re grown & harvested . WA grows most of the wheat - 95 % is for export !!!! Quite educational !
That’s it for today , here’s a map :-
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