The starting point

The starting point

Saturday 20 February 2016

20/2/16 Serpentine River Mandurah

 After a solid week and a half's work !! - Yes work - retaining walls , paving , gates , pad & concrete pavers for a garden shed , move bricks , recycle cardboard , pick up & deliver sleepers , cement & cement slabs , pick up & deliver gates and then we still have to get the garden shed when it arrives !!!
 We decided it was time to have a paddle . The Serpentine River and the Murray River flow into Mandurah , we picked the Serpentine today . Feeling a little dusty this morning after dinner with Dave & Deb last night , it took a little while to get organised , but we finally got there at 10 am .
 Pepper ( Emma's dog ) was quite excited - she hadn't been in the kayak for a few years , but still remembered .
 We got the kayak into the water , Pepper taking pride of place up front , and up the river we paddled .

  There are are few homes that have water at their back gate , and so , many have small jetties . The river is lined with many river oaks & tea trees - there were quite a few dying off .

  It was getting hot , so we found a small beach and pulled up there so Pepper could get out for a run and also get into some shade . She swam & sniffed and raced up & down the beach , having a great time .

 Heading back down the river , we stopped for a selfie on the way - something we don't do a lot of , but here we are .

 There were lots of birds , cormorants , sea eagles , ducks & egrets . They enjoyed the use of the dead trees at the waters edge to dry out , and eye off a meal , as it swam past . There were lots of smaller fish - up to 250mm long , swimming around in the shallows .

   Pepper was enjoying the ride , you could hear the people on the side of the river commenting on "the little white dog " - quite the attention getter !!!
  Several other people were out fishing in kayaks and small boats , the boat ramp is a popular spot for launching boats into the estuary . The river leads into a very large broadwater , before reducing back again near the promenade in Mandurah then flowing out to sea . Mandurah is a very popular place for boaties , whether it be fishing or just pleasure cruising .
 Not a long paddle , but enjoyable none the less , about 6 klms .
  We loaded back up and drove 15mins back to Emma's place for some lunch , as it was 1:30pm . That done , we cleaned up and relaxed for the afternoon . 

Thursday 11 February 2016

11/2/16 House sit

  Hi folks , just a quick note , we are house sitting during the hottest week in Perth on record . Day after day of temperatures over 40 - that's bloody hot !!!
 After a few drives to the airport & an industrial area - dropped the kids off at the airport & picked up some gates - which we have since installed , we caught up with Bob & Sharon ( from Rockhampton , who we met at Kununurra and several other places ) at Karrrinyup Waters Caravan Park . We chatted under the shade of a tree for several hours - it was nice to catch up with them .
 Today has seen us running around getting landscaping gear , loading & unloading - a bit too much like work - but no pay !! This can't go on !!
  Currently collapsed on the lounge , with some muscles letting us know we haven't used them for a while !!!
 Tomorrow may well be a day off , we'll see what happens .

Sunday 7 February 2016

7/2/16 Back to Perth

 Hi folks , we're back in the big smoke - well Perth anyway !! We have house & dog sitting to do , goods to pick up & deliver , a busy 3 weeks ahead . The blog will be happening , but maybe not as regularly .
  Todays trip from Boddington down to Emma's was interesting , we found some dense forests , beautiful tall gum trees , up hills , down hills , bauxite mines , and some good looking towns - Dwellingup and Pinjarra to name a couple - worth a visit another day .
 The interesting / annoying part of the trip was the ability of the trailer brake controller to switch itself on & off at will , change from Manual mode to automatic , without any input from anything else !!! - clever little piece of electronics !!! The manufacturer will be getting a phone call tomorrow !!
 We got the 5th wheeler to its storage area for the next 3 weeks , loaded the ute and headed to Emma's, the temperature was nudging 37 degrees - the start of an extremely hot week - Perth is in for temps in the mid to low 40's for most of this week !!!! I think swimming may be the best option .
 That's it for a day or two while we stay out of the heat - if that's at all possible !

Saturday 6 February 2016

6/2/16 Hotham River paddle

  Today saw us head to the west again . After chatting to Ray and Wendy again , we headed off at 10am . Our wonderful brake controller was doing funny things again - working one minute , not working the next - makes for an exciting drive when you're not sure whether the trailer brakes are working or not !!!
 We took a lot of back roads today , staying away from the major ones , and had a good drive . Must have been the day for it - our Hema maps Gps decided it didn't want to play nice either , Lyn was suffering from hay fever - maybe we should have stayed put for the day , maybe not , it got hotter & hotter during the day , topping out at 37 degrees !!
   The drive took us through more wheat fields and some beautiful countryside . Rolling hills were starting to become the norm , there's still plenty of water lying beside the roads & dams .
 We had lunch at Pingelly , there's another place to check out a bit more closely , lots of older buildings & hotels - another day !!!
 Before long we had crossed the Albany Hwy and arrived at Boddington . The temperature was 37 , so we decided to go to the caravan park rather than the free camp 400m up the road . The money for the use of the air con far outweighed the free camp - it was shady , but it was still damn hot , and you can't swim in the river for some strange reason - we decided to go for a paddle instead . 
 The Hotham River flows through Boddington and is held back near the caravan park by a weir - we are only 30m from the water . The main stretch of water backs up over 600m to the old timber bridge.

 Underneath the bridge you can see the structure of the bridge close up ,from the vertical pylons to the decking poles and then the road on top - it's still in use .

 Just past the bridge were a lot of old tree stumps poking out of the water . That then leads you into a Tea Tree forest , that you have to manoeuvre around and through .

  We kept going as far as we could without getting out and carrying the kayak , a tree across the river finally blocking our way . Turned and weaved our way in & out again , finding another branch of the river , we had a look in this section before turning and coming back to the park .
 In the park beside the river , there is a bike track and this sculpture of a fish - not sure of the relevance , but here it is anyway - it is about 2m long .

 That's it for another day , here's a map link :-

Friday 5 February 2016

5/2/16 Gorging on Rocks

Temperatures rising today - only in the mid thirties , so we headed out to Gorge Rock for a look .
 It has been used in the past as a swimming pool , scout camp , amphitheatre , dance hall and sports oval - it was the centre of family entertainment for many years - not any more though !!
 The pool was formed in between two granite domes , with a wall being built up and concreted , there was a diving board in the deep end , and they drained the water out at the end of summer , so it could be filled back up with fresh rain water over the winter months .

 The drum to the side was the support for the diving board .
 We wandered up the rock to the top , finding a Bob Tailed Skink on the way .

  There were a few A frame set ups on the rock above the pool , they must have been used to move things as there is a pulley on top of them .

  The view from on top of the rock was good - we've been on top of a lot of rocks lately - the surrounding countryside is made up of wheat fields and trees , rolling hills , and surprisingly , granite rocks !!

  As we have been doing lately , we drove out and around back roads to get back to Corrigin . The drive took us through wheat fields , salmon gums and more wheat fields . Soon enough we were back to the main road and heading back to Corrigin .
 Next thing we found the Dog Cemetery - with a rather large sculpture of a dog out front , and many graves with headstones behind it . Apparently you have to get permission to bury your dog from council before you actually do it !!!
 Across the road about half a klm down the road was the turnoff to the Scenic lookout , a corrugated gravel track, that lead to the top of the hill and a small tower , giving views over Corrigin .

 Back to town and down to the chemist to get some hay fever medication - it flared up again last night. Lunch was calling and then a swim in the pool across the road - free entry to caravan park occupants !! The water was pleasingly cool and 50m long - long enough to question our prowess in the pool - put it this way , James Magnussen has nothing to worry about !!! 
 Back across the road to a nice cold beer and check out the various routes for tomorrows drive . Then we got talking to the neighbours - Ray & Wendy , who spend 7 to 8 months at 80 Mile Beach - in between Broome & Port Headland - they used to work in the shop and caravan park there , they have since retired from that . Before we knew it , the sun had set and lights were on , so we headed back to the RV .
 And that my friends is today over , here's the map link :-

Thursday 4 February 2016

4/2/16 Up the road a bit

 Pack up day again ,  our short stay in Kulin was quite good , today we're going west to a town called Corrigin - a whole 57klms up the road !!
 It was an uneventful drive ( happy about that !! ) only passed 5 cars & a truck . The countryside is still wheat belt , with some of the fields extending into the distance , without a fence in sight . There a sheep grazing the stubble and today we saw some cattle as well . Many more granite outcrops and rolling hills - we are anything between 300 to 420 metres above sea level here .
 Arriving in Corrigin , we went into the caravan park and booked in for a couple of nights , set up again , then I decided to check the wheel bearings - we had them changed a few weeks ago , now they needed checking and tightening - at least 3 out of 4 did !!
 After the wheel bearings , it was lunch time - Bbq time , very nice too !!! Sorry we don't do food pics.
 Time to check out some of Corrigin - up to the RSL lookout . There is a Turkish Mountain Gun from WW1 , captured with a lot of Turkish soldiers .

 This is what it looks like , to look down the barrel .

  The memorial overlooks town .

  From here we cruised around town , checked out the shopping centre , the swimming pool that doesn't open on Thursdays , the golf course and then a little circuit out of town to the north then back again . The fields are starting to green up after the rain , much to the farmers dislike - they would prefer no rain now as it sets off the weed seeds and grass , then they will have to spray it with herbicide before it takes too many nutrients from the soil - it basically creates more work for them at this time of year when they are relaxing from the harvest . It does make it look better though !!

  Back to the RV for some salsa & beer & berocca , sitting out in the shade with a little breeze blowing , it's a tough life , and we are enjoying it !!!

 Here's a map link :-

Wednesday 3 February 2016

3/2/16 Tin horses , hills & salt lakes

  Hi , yesterday we moved from Hyden to a little town called Kulin ( Kull in ) , the afternoon was taken up with shopping and other tasks that need doing - life goes on regardless !!
  Today however , it was time to do some sightseeing - first stop of lots , was the Tin Horse Highway , a fun drive out the road east & west . About 15 klms out of town is the Jilakin Rock , Lake and racecourse - where they have an annual weekend event running for 3 days - a bit like Bong Bong Picnic Races , only more family oriented !!
 On the way out to the track there are sculptures of horses on the side of the road , some are quite comical - I think I had taken about 60 photos by the time we found the track , hence my comment about many stops , 60 before 9am !!! here’s a selection .

 Usain Colt of course 

 Andy Capp

 After all those photo’s , it was time for a walk up Jilakin Rock - yes , another granite outcrop, but the views were great . There is Jilakin Lake next door - a salt lake - and it was an outstanding view !!

 Driving beside the lake on the way east , there was another small lake beside it , it also looked great .

 The roads are continuing to be quiet , very few vehicles at all - suits us just fine !!! 
Next stop was an area further east , Buckleys Breakaway , it is the Open Wheat Belts answer to the painted desert . There is an eroded area , that has red & orange top soil/rocks , with a white clay layer below that ( it’s extremely hard clay ) , mixed with some grey quartz & feldspar rocks & gravel , leading to an amazing landscape !! 

 From there we back tracked a little and headed south to Lake Grace , a reasonable sized small town . We found another salt lake to have lunch beside to the north of Lake Grace , where the flies were’nt as bad as they have been everywhere else today . I guess the recent rain has had a profound effect on fly populations - they have increased enormously - unfortunately !! There were some salmon gums beside the lake and picnic table , this photo shows both lake & trees - the trees are long & slender with a nice canopy of leaves at the top .

  Finding our way into and through Lake Grace township , we continued out to Lake Grace North - this was the lake , not the town . The lake stretches for 27 klms and at it’s widest is a bit over 7 klms , so it covers a rather large area . We pulled over after we crossed one section of it and went for a walk out on it - very crunchy underfoot , untill it got damp underfoot . There were tyre tracks from some people in a 4wd or 2 - they didn’t get very far into the lake before they came to an abrupt stop , and didn’t get to drive out , rather got pulled out !!! 

 We found the lookout , which is a small tower overlooking some wheat fields beside the lake , and showing the lake stretching off into the distance .
 From there , it was back to Kulin and the free camp . The free camp is great , it’s in town beside the council offices , across the road from the cafe and pub , there is a newly landscaped park & playground beside us , a toilet block with a shower as well . They are doing a fine job of attracting tourists / travellers to come and stay in their town and spend some money . You can stay here for 72 hours free !! Well done Kulin !!!
 Arriving back in town , we found a card operated fuel depot across the railway - the price was $1.04 / litre for diesel , funny though , the card operated one in the main street was selling diesel for $1.19 / litre - a bit rude seeing they are only about 150 metres apart !!
 Back to the free camp we found we had neighbours - a family , and Rick & Marcia had found us again !
 We had some drinks at the pub later in the afternoon and chatted to some locals , the bank manager told us about quite a few things that go on in town - quite informative . The locals have been quite welcoming !!
 Back across the road to get some tea organised , another day done & dusted .

Monday 1 February 2016

1/2/16 Wave Rock & yellow water

  Woke this morning to a cold morning - apparently mother nature decided it would be funny to cool everyone down to 7 degrees - we didn't see the funny part !! - but we were prepared for it !!
 There were a few people leaving this morning , trying to be quiet , but not quite succeeding - they must have got too cold .
 Getting up , we brushed the icicles off , and commenced the morning rituals , then did some cleaning before going for a walk around some more rocks , a dam and a salt lake .
 Todays walk is around & over Wave Rock , yes , The Wave Rock . It is certainly good to look at - 15m tall and looking like it will break over the top of you - impressive !!

  The walk take you up to the dam that supplements Hydens water supply - another dam in a solid rock catchment , they like these in this part of WA . There are the usual walls built nearly all the way round the rock to capture as much runoff as they can .

 The trail takes you up & onto the rock , upwards to the top . On the southern side is the Hyden Golf Course , will oiled sand greens and sparse fairways - but they are starting to show some green .

 Up at the top there are numerous gnamma (water holes) , and then a large bowl area with trees and shrubs growing happily .

  Views to the north showed Lake Magic and The Humps - where we visited yesterday .

  It always amazes us , how some people can't help themselves - they have to stack rock upon rock upon rock , going from humungous down to tiny !! There must have been some strong people up there , the size of some of the rocks is very large !!!

 Continuing down and back across to the dam , we went along the track to another section about 1.4 klms away . The track skirted around the edge of the rock , showing some of the other features . One section had slabs of rock that have cracked and are gradually sliding down - some of them were over a metre thick , 5x8 metres , and must make quite a noise when they slide down .

 There are also some very large funny buzzards here , this one was the size of a 50c piece , had stripes and black and clear wings .

  We then found the next area - Hippo's Yawn , and with a little imagination , you can see it !!

  We headed back toward the park , walking  through a lot of different trees & shrubs , we found more Salmon Gums , Sandalwood and Sheoaks , as well as damage from the rising salinity . At least now they are starting to do something about the salinity - planting more trees , fencing off vegetation areas near waterways , and digging deep trenches so water can drain away - time will tell if it works !!

 The next part of our day was lunch , followed by a bike ride out to Wave Rock Resort , the airport and around to The Breakers picnic area , before heading back to the RV . The track took us further into the salinity affected area , going over several raised boardwalks before reaching the resort . The biggest eye catcher wasn't the resort , but Lake Magic . It has very high salinity , a gypsum floor and beach sand on the edges , and also some very YELLOW water - they should have been telling the kids to go to the bathroom before swimming - we were told enough as kids !!!

 On the other side of the road was another salt lake , but a different colour . The Resort has put a lot of emus on the fence beside the road as well , quite a nice effect , Wave Rock is in the background .

   There you have it , all done , I won't bore you with a map , we walked about 6klms and rode about 5klms . See ya .