The starting point

The starting point

Sunday 7 February 2016

7/2/16 Back to Perth

 Hi folks , we're back in the big smoke - well Perth anyway !! We have house & dog sitting to do , goods to pick up & deliver , a busy 3 weeks ahead . The blog will be happening , but maybe not as regularly .
  Todays trip from Boddington down to Emma's was interesting , we found some dense forests , beautiful tall gum trees , up hills , down hills , bauxite mines , and some good looking towns - Dwellingup and Pinjarra to name a couple - worth a visit another day .
 The interesting / annoying part of the trip was the ability of the trailer brake controller to switch itself on & off at will , change from Manual mode to automatic , without any input from anything else !!! - clever little piece of electronics !!! The manufacturer will be getting a phone call tomorrow !!
 We got the 5th wheeler to its storage area for the next 3 weeks , loaded the ute and headed to Emma's, the temperature was nudging 37 degrees - the start of an extremely hot week - Perth is in for temps in the mid to low 40's for most of this week !!!! I think swimming may be the best option .
 That's it for a day or two while we stay out of the heat - if that's at all possible !

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