The starting point

The starting point

Sunday 12 February 2017

12/2/17 A rainy day in Narooma

  After some rain overnight , we awake to sporadic light rain , so a day of doing not much !!
We headed into town to check on the golf results from yesterday , I managed to win a golf ball !! After checking out some of the local eateries , we went back to the golf club and had lunch there - salt & pepper squid & barramundi - and very nice it was !!
  Off to Central Tilba , not far away , they have a cheese factory , so thought it would be worth a look, the weather wasn't cooperating anyway . Stopped outside the carpark for a couple of photo's of Glasshouse Rocks .

 Arriving at Tilba , first stop was the Cheese Factory , unfortunately nothing jumped out at us , so we wandered up the street to a shop selling timber bowls , tables , mirrors etc , all at reasonable prices for handmade works .
  There was also a hibiscus with enormous flowers .

  All the buildings in Tilba are built from timber - it's a National Trust town - there are Lolly shops , patisserie , bakery , leather goods , fashion - all sorts of , a hotel and an Emporium .

 The Emporium has the 2 storey B&B , fuel station , post office , milk bar and general store - the inside is great !!

  There's even a few rabbit traps hanging in the front window !!

   Dodging the rain , we headed back to the ute , looking in the leather shop on the way , outside was a flowering plant that had lots of red & white flowers in pairs - some all white , some all red , and others a mixture .

  The rain started to get serious without letting up , so we headed for the van . A quick side step on the way to look at Lake Corunna .

 The rain continued for a few more hours , it streamed down the windows from the roof gutter .

  The rain stopped later on and the clouds started to break , treating us to a nice sunset .

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