The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 9 October 2018

8/10/18 Off to Cue

  Heading off again , much the same countryside but with a few salt lakes thrown in for good measure . We stopped at one - Lake Nallan , deciding this would do us for another night - we were only 20klms from Cue , but it was a nice spot . The lake had a puddle of water in it and a long neck heron patrolling the waters edge . Wildflowers are still happening here forming a stunning green & yellow band on the waters edge .

 It was blowing fairly hard for most of the day so we set up beside some of the higher trees for some shelter - we could’ve had a spot looking over the puddle in amongst the wildflowers .

  After a quiet night - apart from the truck noise - we headed into Cue , a massive 20 klm drive !! 
  Arriving in Cue , we were struck by the architecture . The 1st building was the police station , courthouse & information centre , the gaol was across the road - all very impressive .

Cue isn’t a large town but has a great streetscape - signs of a bustling town when the gold mining was running at it’s peak . Here’s more of the buildings .

 This is the Masonic Lodge made from timber & corrugated iron .


 This is the hospital ruins .

 We headed up to the lookout for sweeping views over the whole district - the 1st impression when we arrived was that it was like Lightning Ridge - a distinctive mining look and mounds of white rock .

 After some lunch we headed out to Garden Granites , we weren’t too sure what to expect . Turning off the road , entering a track to a granite rock about 20m high and a few hundred metres across , we drove around the rock - thinking this cant be what we’re here for , we drove around to another track and followed it through creek beds , winding our way back & forth through a large valley . Occassional glimpses of orange cliffs and boulders through the trees , then we broke into clear ground and parked in front of some large orange boulders sitting amongst white gravel in front of an orange cliff face .

 Climbing up , we found a way up onto the top , discovering an area strewn with large rocks , we looked back over to the granite rock we’d driven round .

Below us the edge of the cliff has been eroded away - a separate layer of white rock , obviously softer is being worn away by wind . We discovered later that the white layer is extremely fragile and soft .

 We found several different flowers up on the cliffs as well .

After wandering around on top of the cliffs for a while , we found our way back down and around to the ute . On the way there were some parrots - beautiful colours , one sat long enough for a photo .

 Back to town we headed just north of town to a small flat topped hill , finding our way through a maze of tracks - or just making up our own way , we stopped at the rock . There’s no shortage of rocks out here - all colours & types , big & small - it’s a very rugged landscape . 

 Some other flowers were here as well .

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