The starting point

The starting point

Sunday 4 October 2020

3/10/20 Into the unknown

     With yesterday done & dusted ( puncture , fell over and the 3rd thing , lost a hose connector ) and hopefully all the bad luck used up , we headed out to Beasley River Gorge . This was a 22klm trip back toward Paraburdoo , then turn off and go into a locked gate and continue another 10 kms to get top the gorge . This was the valley we were headed into , the road in was in surprisingly good condition , nearly 3 lanes wide , slightly corrugated , but acceptable . Turns out Rio Tinto , BHP , Fortescue and another company all have mining tenements here as well - that explains the road !!


   Further into the valley we came across a small sign for a road off to the right , 2klms to The Wall , so off we went winding our way towards a ridgeline . Stopping 150m from the ridge , we walked along the dry creek bed and found our way to the end .

     Here is The Wall , and it just gets more amazing the closer you get .

    All the rock layers here are nearly vertical , completely different from Karijini , where they are horizontal .

     The Wall is a dry waterfall with a plunge pool below - this would be spectacular when it's flowing , but you probably wouldn't be able to get here then !!

     As you can see the walls to the left of the waterfall are all angled and thinly layered - what an incredible place !!

      Here's some aerial shots of the surrounding hills , valleys etc , outstanding .

     From there we headed out through the gorge section and headed to Peaimatha Soak . Not knowing what we were going to made it interesting . After winding through the gorge we came out into another flat river plain . We drove past a mesa and turned in to where the soak is . And here it is , the photo makes it look a bit better than it was , the water is a rather uninspiring green , but the birds love it . The soak is in an area of volcanic rocks formed about 2800 million years ago ! If you are interested google The Great Oxidisation Event .

     Pink Galahs seemed to take over the log to have a drink .

     If you zoom in on the middle of the photo you'll see about 30 Zebra Finches , they are so well camouflaged .

      Here's shot of that river plain we drove through .

     The red edge is the top of the mesa we drove past .

      Love the colours of it all !

    Back to Mussel Pool for some lunch and a short walk to Perentie Falls , this is Mussel Pool .

    Walking up the river bed , flood remnants are still hanging 5m above us , this cluster would be about 1 tonne of firewood !!

    Perentie Falls was only about 300m from the pool , you can see the tide mark around the rocks when the pool is full - clearly now it's empty , and you can see where the water trickled down prior to drying up .

     This area needs to be seen from above to appreciate just what's here . This is the northern end of the gorge .

     This is the southern section , just follow the green trees .

       This is a shot of the valley above Perentie Falls - you can see the creek bed winding up the valley floor , the creek bed does a 90 degree turn to the right before dropping over the falls which our just out of shot . 

    We then went for a swim in Mussel Pool and cooled down .
     Not to be outdone by the drone , we headed upwards to the Mussel Pool Lookout and also Perentie Falls - it was an interesting walk / discovery trail - very poorly marked and maintained - I think it's a kangaroo track - certainly more suited to them than us haha .

     This is the view of the valley behind Perentie Falls . The falls are directly in front and below us .

     Saw an interesting spider web on the way back down , it was actually a ball of web about 250mm round , not your normal flat one dimensional web !

     Time had disappeared again , so we headed for home . A couple of stops on the way out - this is Woongarra Pool .

     This is an area near where you go through the locked gate , again leaving us wondering what these gum trees grow in , and also where they get water from ????

     Back to the van and another sunset .

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