The starting point

The starting point

Thursday 19 April 2018

19/4/18 Into the new

 No guessing where we are . Visiting the Information Centre at Cobar that's located in this building revealed quite some history about Cobar . The building has been used in a lot of different ways - as the offices of the mine and a family home to name just 2 , a grand old building !!

 This house was dwarfed by the Great Cobar Mine and it associated buildings that covered the adjoining mining lease . Taking a driving tour of Cobar took us from this building , down beside the pit . All along the fence lines were piles of dirt & rock , one section looked like a huge section of molten rock .

 There are lots of heritage houses & buildings in Cobar , all worth having a look at .

 There are still many mines in the area that are still producing gold , one is Peak Gold Mine , and there is The Golden Walk , where you can check out the old timber head frame that dates back to the early 1900's - it won't be there for too much longer though - the timber doesn't have a lot of life left in it .

 This is Conquerer Shaft 15 head frame , there are 3 shafts that are fenced off to look at , some old machinery , boiler & stamper and a puddling wheel . The active gold mine is about 200m away , here's the new head frame .

  Back in town is Newey Recreation Area , usually a water based activity area - the levels are down - a LOT !!

 Back to the van for a quiet beverage and plan our next moves , we were joined by some parrots .

 Here's a map link :-

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