The starting point

The starting point

Friday, 29 March 2019

29/3/19 Camping the Cape 2

  Awake to overcast skies again , but it started to clear so after breakfast we headed over to Hellfire Bay - hell of a name magnificent place . This is another place that words can't describe well enough , great beach , sand , water , rocks etc etc etc . 

Heading around the rocks to the left , we got views around the corner & out to sea . It must be a popular fishing spot as it has stainless steel eye bolts and D shackles installed into the rock so fishermen / women can tie themselves to it to save being washed into the water !

 Looking back round to the beach and the heavily bush covered dunes , we had some photo bombers make their presence felt .

 A pod of dolphins happily played around for about half an hour before waving goodbye and disappearing into the deep blue water . There are 3 playing together in this shot .

 A drone may of had a bit of a fly around here as well - hope you enjoy , we did !

 We wandered up to the carpark and decided to go for a walk around to Little Hellfire Beach . It's on the coastal walk trail that runs for about 20 kms from Rossiters Bay to Le Grand Beach .
 This is the view of Hellfire Bay from the top of the hill .

 The walk takes us up the hill and then down the other side on a well formed gravel track through a banksia grove 3 to 4 m tall . Banksia's are in all stages of flowering , from the beginning to the end .

 There were some flowers out as well .

  The track went parallel to the beach and emerged at the end of the beach on some more rock . Crazy little lizards were having a ball scooting around the place at high speed , depending on the rock colours , they blend in very well - great camouflage !

 And here is Little Hellfire Beach - we had it all to ourselves for an hour or so .

 This is one of the most beautiful places in Australia .

 May be one happy little drone pilot haha .

 We could only soak the view in for so long , and headed back to the ute - we are suffering a bit of visual overload at the moment - don't worry it's treatable , we will get over it - maybe .
  Around to Le Grand Beach for a look - it stretches into the distance for about 20klms .

  There was an easterly wind blowing , making the waves look sensational , sea spray blowing over the backs of the waves .

  We chatted to a couple from Brisbane who were also at Hellfire Bay with us , they'd been for a drive east to Duke of Orleans Bay and told us about a few other places - but we'll leave that to another day .

 We'll skip a day to Thursday which was the day we were supposed to leave Lucky Bay . We managed to book another night and stay so we could walk up Lucky Bay Beach to the lookout 2.5klms up the beach - then there was also the 400m from van to the beach on top of that .
 The day dawned overcast and quite dismal with the sky threatening to rain . Did that stop us , not a chance . Loaded up the backpacks with drinks , some eats , camera and wind/shower jackets and off we went .
 The locals greeted us as we went past - must of thought it odd that we didn't stop and try and approach them like all the tourists do .

 The sky started to clear , we were walking along quite happily , a bit breezy & cool but dry ! The camp area can be seen on the hill to the right of photo .

  We made it to the rocks and stairs at the end of the beach and hurriedly made our way under the walkway , hastily putting on our spray jackets and taking a seat on the sand to spend the next 15 mins as the drizzly rain came down . This was the only shelter between the campground and the lookout - 2.5klms of beach with nowhere to hide - we were going to be wet or partly wet if lucky !!

 As the rain eased off , we made our way out from under the walkway - it was a surprise to see 3 young males walking down the steps - they were also surprised to see us !! Anyway it was not raining  now , so up to the lookout . The little beach to the left looked great , the islands further out form some sort of protection for the bay from Southerly winds & seas .

 This is the view back to the camp - just left of centre - you can also see how wet it was , showers scudding through .

 A couple arrived in a car , they also went for a look up the lookout , we headed off again with the thought that maybe , just maybe they might offer us a lift back . They hung around at the lookout for a while before driving back - straight past us without even the thought entering their heads that we might need a lift !!! To be fair the car may have been full of their travelling gear etc , but that's besides the point !!
 We made it back and had a rest at the sheltered beach side tables , before getting that last 400m done - it was time for a sit down in a comfortable chair . Needless to say the afternoon was spent relaxing / recovering .
 Here's a map link :-

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