The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 18 January 2022

5/1/22 Mandurah and an E bike tour of Perth

    Here we are for another year , ready to start all over again . Time has been spent at Emma's , while we wait for the tidal wave of travellers to subside a little when school returns ( hopefully ) - people are finally learning there's plenty to do & see in Australia , damn it 🤨

   Time has been spent riding our bikes around the many bike tracks - when it's been cool enough - we've had some very hot days , with the mercury hitting 40+ on a few days and high 30's on others .

  This is the Serpentine River at Greenfields .

   This is the Christmas Tree in flower - it's the largest tree of the Mistletoe variety .

    Serpentine River near the boat ramp

    Some beautiful gum blossom

    This is Seascapes Beach near Halls Head .

    We visited some friends who were house sitting in Baldivis , there were some beautiful flowers in the garden there . 

    Back to the estuary in Mandurah on another bike ride while the ute was being serviced .

    This is Venice Quays , a short distance from the estuary , and connected with it via these canals .

   We've received vouchers for tours & trips for christmas over the last few years and finally got around to using some of them - covid also got in the way of some !
    This is the Supreme Court Gardens , one of the very immaculately cared for gardens in & around Perth city.

    The gardens are a mix of established trees and a flowering understory of plants , these are Spider Lillies 

   Palm trees also feature prominently here .

   We wandered through the gardens to Barrack St Jetty to start our E bike tour , which was leaving from Elizabeth Quay . We couldn't find it anywhere , so rang Paul from Pauls Eco Bike Tours , and asked where he was - waiting patiently for us as it turns out !! He was waiting below the rings at the right in this photo . We got sorted and rode around to this bridge . None of this was here the last time we were in Perth city - that's our excuse anyway - Paul didn't mind - we were the only ones doing the tour . He took a few photo's of us .

    The bikes were easy to ride with power assisted pedalling , we could zing along without too much effort. He took us along the foreshore and past some ponds , explaining the ponds were to catch pollutants and help to stop them entering the river . Across the Narrow's Bridge and we stopped to have a look at Perth's first Flour Mill - we've driven past here many times but didn't know a thing about it , must have been concentrating on the traffic , because we hadn't even seen it !! - it's right beside the freeway !!

    There are a few sculptures beside the river as well , I was able to stop and take photos , then catch up with Paul & Lyn without a lot of effort . 

   Bike tracks are very well set up here , there's a footpath for walkers on the left near the river and a dedicated track for bikes etc - very impressive - and both get very well used .

   This was our first view of Matagarup Bridge , it links Perth City with Optus Stadium - Paul explained it was designed to resemble two swans - it becomes clearer later .

   The two wires at the top of the photo are a zip line - you get to climb to the platform in the bridge , then zip line down to the eastern side of the river , all the while going over half of the Swan River .

    Here's Optus Stadium , a very well designed stadium , and very popular .

More of the bridge 

 You can make out the zip line here it runs to just left of centre of the photo . Burswood Casino in on the right .

This is looking to East Perth .

This is the bike path below the road level of Windan Bridge , where we cross the river and go back toward the city .

   And this is probably the best view of the bridge and the two swans neck to neck .

   And before long we were back to the start of our ride . If the seat on the bike were a bit more comfortable , I would have suggested to do it all again , such was the ease of riding the E bike . We covered 18.5 kms and did it very easily . If you're ever in Perth or Rottnest Island and want  an interesting ride , look up Paul's Eco tours , well worth it !!

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