The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 21 December 2021

6/12/21 A different view Day 6

    Another good nights sleep , and  very quiet as well . All fed & packed , we headed back to the pool for some photos in better light than yesterday - too much brightness & shade - it was a bit better this morning , but still tough to get it right .

   The pool is owned by the community , not the council for a change , and they do a great job keeping this in great condition . The setting is nothing short of amazing !

   Time to head north again , next stop was the Diamond Tree near Manjimup . In amongst the forest there's a walk through , signposted with flowers & plants you'll find here - and just for a change , where the signs were , there were the plants etc they described .

    This tree was interesting , it had three trunks coming up , when we walked past it we found out why - it had been harvested / cut down years ago , but it wasn't going to die , it just grew more new trunks .

    Then there's the Diamond Tree , another observation post - it has had the top cut off and a 3 storey construction put on top .

   And this is it , 2 open platforms and the hut on top . Fancy being up in that in strong winds , with the hut swaying 3 metres either way ???

   We stopped at Manjimup and did a bit of shopping before heading off again . We plotted a route through the forests almost all the way to Collie . Grass trees & flowers were everywhere - it was a brilliant drive .

   Stopping at Collie for lunch was a challenge , we didn't want fast food , we wanted to sit down and enjoy a meal . Being monday , guess what , most places were closed , we checked around town without a lot of success . Next choice was one of the hotels - it was closed for lunch , we walked down past a pizza place - closed , passed a chinese - closed , then down to the next pub - success !! they were open and had a lunch menu . We ordered and got a drink & waited , other people were coming in as well . Meals arrived and they were good , we finished and started driving again . 
  Deciding where to go for tonight was the next problem , and we eventually decided to head back into the outskirts of the city so we would be close to the depot - we had to wash and tidy the ute and fuel it up prior to handback .  
  It was a good decision , but probably the location wasn't - the wind came up and blew near gale force all night - the roof top tent withstood it all without a problem .
  As you can imagine , we were awake early , so breakfast done , we cleaned and washed the ute , then drove back across the city and delivered it back . 
  So we covered 1650 kms in the week and I think about half of that was on dirt roads - what a week we've had , thoroughly enjoyable , much better than we expected , hope you enjoyed it as well . Here's a map link :-

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