The starting point

The starting point

Thursday 14 July 2022

3/7/22 Bribie & Kuluin


   Time to visit some friends , firstly out to Bribe Island to catch up with Kym & Caroline . They live at Gemlife over 50's resort style living . Well we were amazed at the facilities on offer - tenpin bowling ; lawn bowls ; golf simulator ; cinema ; tennis courts ; indoor heated pool & spa ; sauna ; outdoor pool ; Bbq areas ; games room ; library ; mens shed ; craft rooms ; hairdresser ; function centre ; gym - it goes on and on and on - such an amazing facility !! 

  After our tour around the facility , we headed out for lunch at the bowling club not far down the road , then had a drive around Bribie Island . First stop was Woorim Beach on the eastern side of the island to this concrete bunker - A submarine detecting facility for WW2 , there were also observation points up the eastern side of the island , some since have had their foundations washed away by the ocean .

  This is the bunker with 30cm thick walls .

   This is Woorim Beach looking north .

   After our drive around , we headed back to the complex and enjoyed a beer and lots more conversation - we dragged ourselves away about 9:30 pm , having had a great day catching up .
   A few days later we headed up to the Sunshine Coast to see Richard & Marcia , who also live at a Gemlife over 50's - this one is at Kuluin , which is near Buderim . The resort has all the same facilities as Bribie does and is essentially set up the same way . 
   Lots of talking and catching up with what's been happening since we last saw each other last year , then a lovely lunch and a walk around the resort . There's a boardwalk here that takes you down to a viewing platform over the Maroochy River . This is the outlook .

   After being equally amazed at the facilities here , we headed back for afternoon tea - pumpkin scones with home made plum jam and freshly whipped cream - I don't usually take photos of food , but this was too good to miss out on - they tasted as good as they looked too !

   Another great day and always good to catch up with Richard & Marcia ! 

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