Leaving Goongarrie , we head to Kalgoorlie . Time to replenish supplies , get a new convection microwave - our old one was working fine , but one day back in the bush , the door suddenly opened and fell apart !! It has been used non stop for the last 9 years , the door surround is / was connected via screws into the plastic ?? frame . Where the screws screwed into just broke away due to old age / heat damage . It wouldn't have been so bad except the control panel was also in the door , so duct tape wasn't going to help , it was a new door or new oven , the 2nd option was probably cheaper !!
We purchased what we thought would be okay and what was recommended to us - an air fryer , that roasts , grills & reheats just as well as a microwave does . We took it home and washed the racks and preheated the oven to clean the coatings off the elements . The bench was very hot , the cooktop was also very hot , so we had a look in the manual and it stated this appliance was to be used on bench top not in built . We rang Hardly Normal and took it back , coming home with a convection microwave that suited , they swapped it without argument and gave us a good deal on the replacement .
Another day we headed out east of town to a locality named Bulong to do some detecting and maybe take the van out there . That would be a No for the van , and the detecting was a bit average where we went as well .
As we headed out , we had to go past the growing spoil mountain that we called Mount Superpit . It's all the soil, rock etc from the superpit and it's only going to get higher as the superpit is being extended to the south , giving it another 11 years life . Here it is .
This is one of the old miners huts not far from the mine head .
It was good to see big trees again in with the red soil and saltbush .
The track into the pending leases we went to was challenging in spots , this was a creek crossing over a rock shelf .
Here's Mount Superpit again from about 15 kms away .
More spare time saw us head out to Red Lake , it's more orange , but would go red when wet .
There's a lot of salt lakes in WA and the locals like to go out and drive / hoon around on them .
Another day , another drive around the goldfields , this time north of Kalgoorlie to the locality of Broad Arrow - consisting of the tavern and 2 houses . The tavern is popular judging by all the autographs left on the walls , doors , tables etc .
They're not allowed to let people sign the walls any more , now you buy a tag or 2 and put your names on the tag , attach a magnet and throw it at the ceiling or outside roof . Of course you have to pay for the privilege , which doesn't seem to worry people , looking at how many were outside .
Further west from Broad Arrow is Ora Banda , another gold rush town that's still clutching at staying alive . The Hotel burned down , there is a caravan park behind it , and maybe 10 houses . The hotel probably won't reopen .
Further to the west is Rowles Lagoon , a popular destination for bird watchers apparently - but only when there's some water . There wasn't any water in it this day though .
An interesting view of the dried up mud also revealed dead yabbies , so would be interesting to see it with water .
There was an interesting addition to the lagoon - this old steam boiler - looks like it came form an old steam train locomotive , but there aren't any rail tracks out this way !!
On our trip back to Coolgardie we passed through another ghost town , with the remains of Kunanalling Tavern still standing .
We caught up with friends Gary & Linda , who stopped with us for a couple of nights , on their way back to Queensland . It was good to catch up with them , it always is !!