The starting point

The starting point

Friday 3 November 2023

2/10/23 Menzies


    Well , we finally left Leonora after spending five and a half months wondering around the bush . Didn't get too far down the road though , stopping at Menzies for a few nights . 
   Pre poll voting for the referendum was at the shire council chambers , but only for 3 hours . Voting done we headed out to a pending lease to have a detect . 
    There's a great Anzac mural painted on the wall near the memorial plaques .


    Luck was with us , we managed to find a couple of small pieces not far from where we found our others earlier in the year .

    This is the view not far from town , up on a hill above where we found them .

    Caution has to be taken when walking around here , there are lots of open mine shafts that aren't barricaded off , it wouldn't be hard to fall in . This one's about 8m deep !

      A few days searching around various leases , picking up lots of rubbish , but no more gold .  
  Some cleaning up done , it was time to move again . Here's map link :-

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