The starting point

The starting point

Thursday 16 November 2023

6/11 Kambalda & Coolgardie


    From Dundas we went to Kambalda West , to the free camp beside the sports complex , swimming pool & skate park . It's somewhere we've driven through before but never stopped . After setting up and having lunch , we drove over to Kambalda East for a look at the lake and township . It seems to be miners & their  families that live here . We drove up to the lookout to check out the lake and the mines . There are mines on the lake ,  gold and nickel mines . They're a bit hard to see , but in the middle of the photo there's a lot of workings , and digging going on . There's also more mines in the distance as well . There's a road system and power lines going across there lake , but the general public can't go there .

   Here's some of the man made islands in the lake , you can see the roadway and powerlines here .

     This lake disappears into the distance , just for scale , there's 2 trucks down on the lake surface just above the trees .

    After driving around town , we headed back to the van so we could go for a swim at the pool - bonus , it was free entry to everyone , thanks Coolgardie Shire Council. It got up to 39degrees today !!
    After a hot night , we packed up again and headed to Coolgardie again , setting up at free camp again , before heading off to do some more detecting . Trying some different spots , we found these tiny everlasting daisies 

     Weather forecasts weren't looking too great for the goldfields , so we made the decision to head back toward Perth , and call an end to our gold detecting season .

   Here's a map link :-

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