The starting point

The starting point

Thursday 14 March 2024

29/2/24 Cape Le Grande NP


    Time for a visit to Cape Le Grande NP , we haven't been out here for about 6 years . The ute was serviced the other day , so it was good to give it a run . The weather was great for a day out as well . Fires have taken their toll on some of the forestry on the way out to the NP . The gum trees have been grown for wood chip , which is a pretty large export here in Esperance  , but even more so in Albany . Some survived , whilst there's plenty of dead trees still standing . 
    Onwards and into the NP , first stop Le Grande Beach . You can drive your 4wd from Esperance all the way along the beach - about 30klm , we opted not to , you usually can't get bogged on bitumen !! This photo is looking back along the beach toward Esperance .

   It's hard to call this a headland , when it's closer to it's own mountain !

   On our way around to Hellfire Bay we had to go past Frenchman Peak . We have climbed it when we were here last , an impressive view from the top .

   One of the best views in Australia , a beautiful curve of white sand and crystal clear blue water .

    I went for a walk along the beach to the other end , and checked out the fresh water creek running into the ocean . Looks pretty good from above also .

   There's a large cave just around from Little Hellfire Beach , that's probably bigger then Little Hellfire - certainly a large chunk of rock missing !!

   From here we had to go round to Lucky Bay for a look . It was only a short drive , and we arrived at the large carpark with views over the bay & beach . What we saw was disappointing - almost like Cable Beach in Broome , there were cars , motorhomes & campers all parked along the beach - there would have been 30-40 vehicles on the beach . They market the beach with the local kangaroos , not a car to be seen - the reality is completely different . Rangers now have to patrol the beach to keep an eye on everyone .

    It's still a beautiful place , but it's own natural beauty is killing it , with so many tourists wanting to see it .

    After some lunch , we headed around to Thistle Cove , another special piece of the coast .

    The granite mountains just roll down into the deep blue ocean . There's many pieces of granite weathering away - part of a large section of rock that has been eroding away for many a year .

    Surprise , surprise - crocs on the rocks 😂

   Stunning views from above , there's also a fresh water lagoon just behind the beach .

    This is Lucky Bay .

    After another walk along the beach and rocks , we headed back to town to fuel up and get ready for our departure tomorrow . Here's map link :-

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