The starting point

The starting point

Friday 24 April 2015

Work then play

  Work to be done today - two house inspections and a meeting with the Property Manager .
Dare I say it , another great day dawned , but we had an overcast sky - for a few hours anyway !!! Breakfast done , we got our lunch organised and headed to Pacific Pines , to be at one of our rental properties by 9am for the first inspection . The drive in from Canungra would take us 20 mins , and we were there early , so we drove around a little bit first and looked at some of the other houses & units close to where we had to be . Mel - one of our property managers met us -we hadn't seen her for about 6 years ( she had some maternity leave ) , and she commented on how relaxed we looked - we seem to be getting that comment from a few people lately !! Anyway , the inspection went well - we have good tenants that look after the house and pay their rent and that's always good !! On to the second inspection , and we weren't expecting anything dramatic from this one either - the tenants in this one are even better - the house was pretty much looking new still , even though it is 11 years old!! - these tenants have been here for about 4 years .
 Inspections done , we head to the Property Managers Office . Rebecca also commented on how relaxed we looked - must be something in this retirement thing that agrees with us !!!

 After the meeting , we headed over to Labrador and got the bikes off the ute - there are kilometres of bike tracks around to ride on . We rode down toward Surfers , but stopped before the bridge , and headed back to the north . In all we rode about 10klms - quite pleasant , except for the asian tourists that were feeding the pelicans and seagulls at one of the most popular seafood shops . There were at least 30 pelicans and hundreds of seagulls , all over the bike track / footpath , and just imagine what happens when someone starts throwing chips into the middle of that group - CHAOS - and we were riding through it !!! I nearly ran over one seagull , and Lyn hadn't seen it and nearly ran into me . We muttered various things under our breath ( asian tourists , feeding birds , not paying any attention to anything else that's going on around them , etc , etc ) - you get the idea .
  We enjoy riding up this end as it's usually quieter , less crowded and beside the Broadwater - opposite Seaworld . Lunch was in one of the covered seating / fishing shelters beside the track . 

 Back to the ute , and off to Ashmore to look at camping gear & some other stuff , before refuelling and food shopping .
 That was our day , some work , some play . Stay tuned !!

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