The starting point

The starting point

Thursday 13 April 2017

13/4/17 Gunna do Gunnedah

  Our new location is Gunnedah , we wondered why we couldn't see Gunnedah from Coolah Tops the other day - it's hidden by a mountain/ hill that's why !! Gunnedah is a large town , with 3 supermarkets , clubs , pubs & many shops , aerodrome , railway and sale yards , as well as the Namoi River . It sits in the Liverpool Plains where many crops are grown , cattle , sheep & pigs the other main industry is coal . Wheat is the main crop , followed by sorghum , barley , maize and sunflowers. Cotton is a big summer crop , oats , canola , soy & mung beans , chickpeas and safflowers . 120,000 head of cattle are sold through the sale yards each year .
  Enough facts & figures , it was up to Porcupine Lookout for another great view .

 We walked out to Varda's Lookout about 1.5klms , which gave us another view point of the plains towards Tamworth .

  Lunch beside the river was called for , the water slightly brown , but flowing reasonably . The rocks in the river bed are sharper than the rounded well worn rocks you would normally find , and would be difficult to walk on in bare feet .

  The weather has been pretty good , 25 & 26 during the day and down to 12 overnight , so we have done some maintenance to the van . The weather has started to degrade the sealants after being exposed to the weather for the last 2.5 years , so before they decide they want to leak , we have replaced / resealed them . We even managed to get the bikes off the ute and go for a ride - 1st one since Tallangatta in January !!
 That's it for the moment , here's a map link :-

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