The starting point

The starting point

Saturday 1 April 2017

1/4/17 Round up of the week

  What a week it's been , wet , wet , humid & wet . Rain came with the tail end of the cyclone , as well as quite a bit of wind - we had a very noisy night with gum nuts & small branches coming off the trees . As a result we've had a few days of contemplating our navels , completing puzzles and reading books . I did manage to get some photo's one evening .

    Before all the wind and rain , we managed to get out to Big Rocky and Little Rocky in the Tomaree National Park . It wasn't far from us , Lyn had seen the road a couple of times as we drove toward Nelson Bay - it is 2wd and then a 4wd track for the last 1.2klms . Lyn handled the sand and rocks easily and we parked and went for a walk down to Big Rocky . Hmm , I can hear you thinking , What is he dribbling on about Big Rocky ?? well it's an island just toward the east from Samurai Beach , and Little Rocky - it's a smaller island further east of Big Rocky !!
 A coastal bean plant was flowering alongside the tracks .

 It's only a short walk down to the bay , there's very little sand , mainly rocks and quite a bit of shell grit . As it was low tide , there were plenty of rock pools to check out .

 The water nice & clear .

   We get a bit mesmerised by the water crashing into the rocks .

 You can rock hop around and onto Big Rocky at low tide , but you might get wet at high tide . Heading back to the track we headed around to Little Rocky . The track very overgrown with all the recent rains , it was about 400m and you find yourself at another expanse of rock and a small bay . This is the view back to Big Rocky .

 And this fine specimen of an island is Little Rocky .

 Not very spectacular , but it is what it is - Rocky !!

 Wednesday was fine & hot & very humid , bit I managed a game of golf at Horizons with my cousin Wendy - neither of us played exceptionally well , but it was a very nice course , great scenery and also good company .

 Thursday & Friday were both wet & wild , but we went out for lunch at the marina . It wasn't raining when we arrived so we sat outside and looked across the bay to Tea Gardens & Hawks Nest under a threatening sky .

   The prawns & fish went down a treat , we finished lunch and were back in the ute just before the rain started again . The afternoon was spent back at the van as the rain set in again .
 Here's a map link : -

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