The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 27 June 2017

27/6/17 Bundy tour

  Today we caught up with friends who are house sitting in Hervey Bay . We met Keith & Sue at the golf club and have had a few enjoyable days & nights . They came to Bundaberg for the day , so we went to the Bundaberg Rum Distillery for a tour through the distillery .
  After paying our entry fee we were free to roam through the museum before the tour started . The museum is housed in old barrels , with exhibits in each of them giving you some of the history of the distillery . It has burnt down twice - one fire caused by a lightning strike - and burnt it to the ground . Rum was flowing down the gutters , residents were scooping it up in buckets trying to save it , most however flowed into the Burnett River . The river burnt for 3 days , and crabs , fish & prawns were all marinated and char grilled !!
  There were many other stories , but we ran out of time to get it all , here’s some photo’s of it .

This one is some of the old labels people may remember .

 This wall was the star attraction - a wall of rum - the 3 rows with white labels are all street names from Bundaberg that were flooded in 2013 , the rest are various releases of new advertising and also their premium rums & blends . A very impressive wall indeed !!!

 Of course there’s the Bundy Bear .

The tour starts in the auditorium , where everything is explained . There are some old barrels in racks , they used to contain the molasses in the early days , now they can hold a maximum of 10,000 gallons in each well , and there are 3 wells !! that’s a lot of molasses !!

 All electronic equipment is left in a locker , car keys etc , so you cant accidentally drop something in the molasses well - it is 5m deep !!! The fermenting process was explained , yeast growth and how they extract the alcohol from the mix using steam . The reason for no electronic equipment is because of the alchohol - very explosive !!! Next we went to the blending room - you can do a tour later in the afternoon and blend your own rum , and you get to take 2 bottles of it home with you at the end of the tour - and when you run out of it at home you can ring them and they’ll mail some more back to you after they’ve blended it for you , it also has your name on the label !! 
  Employees have a tough life - all are encouraged to be taste testers - they do their testing at 9am in the morning !!! 
 There is a huge amount of rum here - 35 barrels , and each barrel contains 70,000 litres !!!! They export 4% of what they make - 3% of that goes to New Zealand , and that leaves 96% consumed in Australia !!!
  After all the discussion about all the different types & blends we made our way back to the shop & tasting area - you get to taste 2 different types as part of the tour  , so we sat and indulged in some - salted caramel liqueur ; small batch rum aged in port barrels , and a chocolate / coffee flavour liqueur - all very nice , but would have been nicer with a little food in the stomach , ah well happy days !!
  An enjoyable morning that turned into the afternoon , now down to Grunske’s Seafood Restaurant for lunch beside the Burnett River . A very pleasant setting for lunch and a quiet beer .

  Next was the Bundaberg Brewing Company , famous for it’s Ginger Beer & other fermented drinks . You can taste all of their varieties , you can also do a small tour if you want , we all tasted , then bought some and headed for home . Keith & Sue had to head back to Hervey Bay , so we said our goodbyes and headed off - an enjoyable day was had by all . 

Monday 26 June 2017

26/6/17 Coastal ride

  After golf on Saturday - which was good , then not so good - we regrouped on Sunday and headed out to Port of Bundaberg and Burnett Heads .
  The drive took us out through the cane fields and red soil plains that surround Bundaberg . Very fertile ground here , growing macadamia's , avocado's , pumpkin , sweet potatoes , strawberries , zucchini's , figs and tomatoes .
 Before long we'd arrived at the port and stopped at the tug boat wharf , beside the loading facility .

  After a look around we continued around to Burnett Heads . It was a bit busy as there was a 3 day fishing competition going on to raise money for the Volunteer Rescue group . We found a quiet street and parked to have some lunch , this was our view - not too bad !!

 Lunch done it was time for a ride - there's a bike track that runs all the way down to Bargara , and is about 6klms long . This was the view back to Burnett Heads .

 Just after that photo we entered the Mon Repos Turtle Research Centre . Looking at the coast either side of Mon Repos , it's hard to imagine why loggerhead turtles would come here to lay their eggs , but they do and have done for years & years . It's a stretch of sand about 1.3klm long , but not very wide .

  Unfortunately for us there's nothing happening at this time of year , all the action happens between November to March , so everything was very quiet . The bike track continues through the Centre , meeting the entry road , then continuing on through the marsh & Tea Tree forest . The section through the centre goes through the Sheoak & Tea Tree forest , making for a pleasant ride .

  There is the odd section that does have some sand , but most of the coastline is covered in black volcanic rock .

  We had a rest at Bargara , before heading back , then headed back into Bundaberg . There are some fine old buildings in the main street of Bundaberg , here are a few .

 This is the centre angle parking in the main street on a quiet Sunday afternoon .

 And that's it for today , here's a map link - best viewed in satellite view , so you can see all the crop growing :-

Friday 23 June 2017

23/6/17 2 days in a row !!!

 Today we drove toward Childers , thinking we'll have a bit of a look around , on the way we found the turnoff to Woodgate Beach , so we took the turn and headed out there first . The first village we went through was Goodwood - a school & a few houses , then cattle grazing properties before we entered National Park tea tree scrub . A new subdivision appeared on our left , with several new houses on large blocks . Another 4 to 5 klms along and we'd arrived at Woodgate Beach . Turning down to the Esplanade we found a spot to park - there was only about 500 of them !! and went for a walk to the beach - about 10m away .
 Well , the most appealing beach appeared before us , sand as far as we could see in both directions , and NO rocks !!!! It stretches for about 16 klms !!

 After a walk down the beach we then headed out toward Burrum Point to find a walking track to Russell's Rest .
 We found the track out to a camping area where the walk was , as we pulled off the road onto the gravel road , we could see the track change to sand , so we stopped , engaged hubs and selected 4wd and away we went - Lyn was driving and concentrating rather hard - it was only about 6 klms in , but all sand and 2nd gear all the way . We found the camping ground and parked in a vacant spot and walked down to the beach , coming out to the Burrum River - on the other side was Burrum Heads where we had been a few weeks ago - after today we have now had lunch on both sides of the river hahaha . There were several vehicles parked on the beach - all fishing . The view back down the coast was toward Hervey Bay and it's northern suburbs - funny we only just left there .

 Grabbing our lunch , we headed along the track to Russell's Rest - he was a National Park Ranger and loved this spot apparently - there is a picnic table installed here so you can sit and take in the views .

The tide was going out , and sand bars were appearing , getting larger & larger .

 After lunch and the return walk , we then went around to Walkers Point for a view of Burrum Heads from the other side of the river .
 Walkers Point is a sleepy little place - not many houses - maybe 30 , but most are holiday houses or fisherman's huts .

 A sleepy pelican .

 A sleepy boat - who told me to drop anchor here ?????

  With that we headed back out to Childers and arrived there about 1:30pm . There was heaps of traffic on the Bruce Hwy and the town was buzzing - very few parking spots , so we stretched our legs at a park on the northern side and decided to head back to Bundaberg and check Childers out another day - it was the first day of school holidays , so that probably accounted for the extra traffic .
 Later on the sunset proved interesting , and reflected well in the side of the van .

 That's it for today , golf tomorrow , here's a map link :-

Thursday 22 June 2017

22/6/17 On the move

 Hi there , back again . We’re on the move again , farewelling Hervey Bay and friends Kym & Caroline and some new acquaintances , Keith & Sue from Wollongong . Keith & Sue are house sitting in Hervey Bay for 3 months and we met on the golf course , playing several games with Keith and getting on very well . 
 Our time in Hervey Bay has been the longest we’ve been in the one place since leaving Moss Vale   and has been great . I’ve managed to play some golf , we’ve ridden our bikes almost every day , managed a few swims in the bay before it cooled down too much , and generally had a great time . Catching up with Lyn’s sister Heather , Pete & Kaylee was an absolute bonus , we had several good nights and a beer or two . 
  Hervey Bay is a place we will revisit !! 
 Time to hit the road , heading north again , not too far away though , only going to Bundaberg - home of Bundaberg Rum , Ginger Beer and lots of sugarcane , macadamias , tomatoes  & lot’s of other vegetables .
  The drive was uneventful , the treacherous Bruce Hwy was pretty calm for the short time we were on it , turning off just before Childers and heading into Bundaberg . The road wound it’s way through and around many macadamia plantations , mango’s , avocado’s , tomato’s , chilli's & potatoes and sugarcane - which is being harvested now . 
  Arriving in time for lunch , we set up and had a Bbq’d lunch and vegged out for the afternoon .

 Today we headed out to the golf course to book in for saturday’s comp , then checked out the information centre before lunch again - hmm seems to be a bit of a theme here haha .
 Time to head out to Elliot Heads for a look around . Bundaberg has grown quite a lot since we were here last , so we were expecting the coastal towns to have grown as well . After going down a few gravel roads & back tracks to avoid the road most travelled , we arrived at Elliot Heads . It’s where the Elliot River meets the ocean - the tide was out somewhat when we arrived , but the main channel of the river is further out from where we were .

 From there we followed the coast line around to the north and found the Anzac Memorial at the spot where the submarine lookout was stationed during the war . No disrespect intended , but we did find it a bit humorous - a submarine lookout on a 20m high headland ???? normally they’d be underwater wouldn’t they ?? 
  All jokes aside , it’s a nice spot , the beaches leave a bit to be desired though - this is below the lookout - not too much sand to be seen here !!

 Up the road again to Coral Cove , a residential area built around a resort golf course . Many lakes and water courses feature in the golf course , and it has a very long hole - I believe it’s Australia’s only Par 6 golf hole !! 

 Up to Bargara and again we were surprised with how much it has grown , the shopping centre has trebled in size . 
  Back toward Bundaberg and we could see lot’s of smoke coming from a cane stubble burn off . We turned and went up to Hummock Hill Lookout for a better look , it was impressive !!

 Hummock Hill offers 360 degree views , revealing the red soil that supports all the produce grown here . 

 Not an overly busy day in the scheme of things , but we are working our way back into it slowly . Here’s a map link :-

Wednesday 14 June 2017

14/6/17 An update

 Hi , still here in Hervey Bay , enjoying playing golf , riding our bikes around and generally having a good time .
  Fuel costs are way down , we've only filled up twice since we arrived 4 weeks ago !!
We can thoroughly recommend Maddigan's Fish & Chip shop , after having a meal with Heather , Pete & Kaylee last Saturday night . Serving sizes were huge , everything was fresh and it all tasted great - one of the best !!!
 Here's a few photo's - first one is from Scarness Pier looking towards Point Vernon .

  Today we had some rain showers come through with gusty winds each time , then out of the blue this rainbow appeared .

 So after the rain we went riding again , also using some of the exercise equipment positioned along the promenade at Torquay , before heading back to Urangan Pier , then back home 2 hours later .
 Just for a change we headed back to the pier for some night shots , here they are . This is Urangan at the start of the promenade .

 This is the pier .

 Down at Torquay there are fairy lights in some of the trees along the promenade , they look impressive .

 And finally a random shot of a bike rack / sculpture at the Cultural Centre , there's a sculpture of a whale breeching , but the photo's didn't work out - they'll be daylight shots for another day .

 We'll be back and moving again soon , so the blog will start to appear more regularly next week , Cheers .

Thursday 8 June 2017

8/6/17 Much history

 It was time for us to revisit Maryborough and check out more of it's magnificent architecture . As we got to town , we took a side road toward the Mary River , and found some wonderful examples of the style of housing that exists here .

  Queens Park was our next stop , parking down beside the marina , we walked along the railway track ( that's still in use ) and up into the main part of the park . The view up to one of the old hotels made a nice view .

 The walk was alongside the river , not the prettiest river , it's very brown & muddy & lined with mangroves .
 The marina seems to stand out , with the old ship building sheds behind .

 Up at the memorial gates there's the War Memorial Cenotaph .

 On the edge of the park is the courthouse - still being used as one .

  Then there's the rotunda .

 A few of the old guns used .

 Then there's the Maryborough Heritage Centre building , which was originally the Bank of New South Wales in 1878 .

 The Military Museum , which was the J E Brown Warehouse for provisions .

 The Bond Store .

 The Criterion Hotel started life as the Prince of Wales , then the Melbourne Hotel till it burnt down , then the Riverview , and finally the Criterion Hotel .

 Maryborough played a big part in Queensland's early history as an important shipping port for incoming supplies and exporting goods as well . Well worth exploring !!
 Back to the ute & driving around town we stumbled across the imposing Uniting Church .

 After some lunch we drove around without any plan , finding a wetland , and on the other side was the golf club . The cormorants liked this pump hose .

 More nice specimens of Queenslander style housing . This style of housing dominates here in Maryborough , and is quite good to see .

   We drove over the bridge to Granville , which is on the other side of the river from Maryborough , this photo looks back toward the marina .

  Back to the Bay and an interesting day was over , Cheers ...