The starting point

The starting point

Thursday 8 June 2017

8/6/17 Much history

 It was time for us to revisit Maryborough and check out more of it's magnificent architecture . As we got to town , we took a side road toward the Mary River , and found some wonderful examples of the style of housing that exists here .

  Queens Park was our next stop , parking down beside the marina , we walked along the railway track ( that's still in use ) and up into the main part of the park . The view up to one of the old hotels made a nice view .

 The walk was alongside the river , not the prettiest river , it's very brown & muddy & lined with mangroves .
 The marina seems to stand out , with the old ship building sheds behind .

 Up at the memorial gates there's the War Memorial Cenotaph .

 On the edge of the park is the courthouse - still being used as one .

  Then there's the rotunda .

 A few of the old guns used .

 Then there's the Maryborough Heritage Centre building , which was originally the Bank of New South Wales in 1878 .

 The Military Museum , which was the J E Brown Warehouse for provisions .

 The Bond Store .

 The Criterion Hotel started life as the Prince of Wales , then the Melbourne Hotel till it burnt down , then the Riverview , and finally the Criterion Hotel .

 Maryborough played a big part in Queensland's early history as an important shipping port for incoming supplies and exporting goods as well . Well worth exploring !!
 Back to the ute & driving around town we stumbled across the imposing Uniting Church .

 After some lunch we drove around without any plan , finding a wetland , and on the other side was the golf club . The cormorants liked this pump hose .

 More nice specimens of Queenslander style housing . This style of housing dominates here in Maryborough , and is quite good to see .

   We drove over the bridge to Granville , which is on the other side of the river from Maryborough , this photo looks back toward the marina .

  Back to the Bay and an interesting day was over , Cheers ...

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