The starting point

The starting point

Friday 23 June 2017

23/6/17 2 days in a row !!!

 Today we drove toward Childers , thinking we'll have a bit of a look around , on the way we found the turnoff to Woodgate Beach , so we took the turn and headed out there first . The first village we went through was Goodwood - a school & a few houses , then cattle grazing properties before we entered National Park tea tree scrub . A new subdivision appeared on our left , with several new houses on large blocks . Another 4 to 5 klms along and we'd arrived at Woodgate Beach . Turning down to the Esplanade we found a spot to park - there was only about 500 of them !! and went for a walk to the beach - about 10m away .
 Well , the most appealing beach appeared before us , sand as far as we could see in both directions , and NO rocks !!!! It stretches for about 16 klms !!

 After a walk down the beach we then headed out toward Burrum Point to find a walking track to Russell's Rest .
 We found the track out to a camping area where the walk was , as we pulled off the road onto the gravel road , we could see the track change to sand , so we stopped , engaged hubs and selected 4wd and away we went - Lyn was driving and concentrating rather hard - it was only about 6 klms in , but all sand and 2nd gear all the way . We found the camping ground and parked in a vacant spot and walked down to the beach , coming out to the Burrum River - on the other side was Burrum Heads where we had been a few weeks ago - after today we have now had lunch on both sides of the river hahaha . There were several vehicles parked on the beach - all fishing . The view back down the coast was toward Hervey Bay and it's northern suburbs - funny we only just left there .

 Grabbing our lunch , we headed along the track to Russell's Rest - he was a National Park Ranger and loved this spot apparently - there is a picnic table installed here so you can sit and take in the views .

The tide was going out , and sand bars were appearing , getting larger & larger .

 After lunch and the return walk , we then went around to Walkers Point for a view of Burrum Heads from the other side of the river .
 Walkers Point is a sleepy little place - not many houses - maybe 30 , but most are holiday houses or fisherman's huts .

 A sleepy pelican .

 A sleepy boat - who told me to drop anchor here ?????

  With that we headed back out to Childers and arrived there about 1:30pm . There was heaps of traffic on the Bruce Hwy and the town was buzzing - very few parking spots , so we stretched our legs at a park on the northern side and decided to head back to Bundaberg and check Childers out another day - it was the first day of school holidays , so that probably accounted for the extra traffic .
 Later on the sunset proved interesting , and reflected well in the side of the van .

 That's it for today , golf tomorrow , here's a map link :-

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