The starting point

The starting point

Wednesday 14 June 2017

14/6/17 An update

 Hi , still here in Hervey Bay , enjoying playing golf , riding our bikes around and generally having a good time .
  Fuel costs are way down , we've only filled up twice since we arrived 4 weeks ago !!
We can thoroughly recommend Maddigan's Fish & Chip shop , after having a meal with Heather , Pete & Kaylee last Saturday night . Serving sizes were huge , everything was fresh and it all tasted great - one of the best !!!
 Here's a few photo's - first one is from Scarness Pier looking towards Point Vernon .

  Today we had some rain showers come through with gusty winds each time , then out of the blue this rainbow appeared .

 So after the rain we went riding again , also using some of the exercise equipment positioned along the promenade at Torquay , before heading back to Urangan Pier , then back home 2 hours later .
 Just for a change we headed back to the pier for some night shots , here they are . This is Urangan at the start of the promenade .

 This is the pier .

 Down at Torquay there are fairy lights in some of the trees along the promenade , they look impressive .

 And finally a random shot of a bike rack / sculpture at the Cultural Centre , there's a sculpture of a whale breeching , but the photo's didn't work out - they'll be daylight shots for another day .

 We'll be back and moving again soon , so the blog will start to appear more regularly next week , Cheers .

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