The starting point

The starting point

Monday 23 October 2017

23/10/17 Back out there

  Well , we are back after having some time out with friends Garry & Linda .
Prior to going out to their place we had 5 days at Emu Park , and enjoyed a good round of golf at Emu Park Golf Club . It's a great little course set on and around a hill , and I ended up with 39 points - 3 better than my handicap on a course I hadn't played before - got to be happy with that !!
  We went into Rockhampton and had several days of talking & laughter . We were lucky enough to catch Garry on his days off between shifts , so that worked well .
  The countryside up here looks grey & tired , but that didn't last long as the next day after we arrived it poured with rain - about 120mm overnight and into the morning , then another 20 mm over the next few days .

  Fortunately , we were parked in front of Garry's shed so the back half of the van was undercover . Being Spring , there were plenty of flowers in the garden and hanging pots , here's a selection .

 The weather dried up so we went for a walk up the road for some exercise & fresh air , we found a weed growing beside the road with a large flower .

 We wandered past a variety of fences , but this was the pick of them .

 There was a nice sunset in the distance that afternoon as well .

 We also caught up with Heather , Pete & Hayden at Cooee Bay , for a fun afternoon & evening .
  The weather kept improving so we headed into town and up to Mt Archer for views over Rockhampton and surrounding areas . It doesn't show in the photo , but there's plenty of water lying around in all the flat areas around town , minor flooding has been happening as the water runs away .

 This is part of the picnic area at the top of the mountain .

 Back down in town we drove around some of the streets where the older buildings from the port are .

 We drove around Paradise Lagoons , plentiful birdlife around at the moment , pelicans , herons & a few brolga's as well .
 Heading back to the van via a few gravel backroads , we found this thorny dragon lying on the road warming up , it certainly wasn't worried about us , we drove past twice and got out & took the photo - it didn't budge .

 With all the rain out here , the grass seed has gone berserk , the grass getting greener by the minute - just what they need out here !!

   After an enjoyable week , we've headed back out to the beach again to play some golf , ride the bikes and swim - why ? you ask - because we can !!
  Off down to the surf club at Emu Park and we bumped into Simon - an artist who was just putting the finishing touches to his mural on the surf club toilet block - here is his work .

 Simon is from the Gold Coast , and was entertaining a couple of the local kids with some paintings . We may have to check out the Dust Factory in Currumbin Creek Rd at Currumbin , he has a website - , if your interested .
 And there you have it , up to date , here's a map link :-

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