The starting point

The starting point

Wednesday 11 July 2018

11/7/18 Dampier

    A fine sunny day again , getting a bit boring - not , so we headed out to Dampier for a drive .                 
  Now if you haven’t been to Dampier before , I’m not going to try and make it sound like a paradise , because it isn’t . It is one of the rockiest places we’ve seen that isn’t being mined !! On the other side of this pile of rock is the residential area .

  There are several iron ore loaders , also natural gas plants , and a salt farm & loader . 

 The beaches are rocky with corse sand , the water is very inviting but access to it is from one beach . 

Sturt”s Desert Pea are coming out in flower at the moment , and looking quite good .

A couple of ships were being loaded with iron ore while we were there .

Over on the western side of East Intercourse Island is another iron ore loader and salt loader . Piles of salt make an interesting contrast to the red that is the predominant colour here .

On the way back to Karratha we stopped and looked at the immense area used for salt production . The salt is left to grow ? in large settling ponds untill it’s somewhere between 300mm to 500mm thick before they harvest it . It made for some interesting photos .

 Beside the Dampier Hwy are some other pools that aren’t harvested , but look good . Colours of the landscape here are amazing .

 Not a lot of action happening up here , we are enjoying getting out on the bikes and getting some exercise . Temperatures are between 12 and 26 degrees , so it’s quite pleasant . The prevailing winds here seem to be easterlies and blow most days , but back off in the late afternoon and dont start again till the mornings .
  I played golf last Saturday and considering it’s only the 3rd game I’ve had since getting back to WA , it wasn’t too bad a result . 
 Here’s a map link , best viewed in satellite mode :-

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