The starting point

The starting point

Monday 2 July 2018

2/7/18 Warming up

  A short trip this morning to Karratha where we will base ourselves for a while . The drive wasn't pleasant , into a strong wind , but we persevered as it was only 130klms .
 A week on from our arrival , we've replaced some parts on the van - only to discover there were more to replace , had a tooth removed , got the bikes out and actually used them , and enjoyed the mid 20's temperatures & fine weather .
  We did get out & about , one day going back south to 40 Mile Beach for a look at a camp site and the coastline . The turnoff was right beside a gas plant - of which there are many up here - this one is Devil Creek Gas Plant and is about 60 klms south of Karratha .

  Driving past we headed to the beach and the first camping area , where we parked and wandered down to the beach .

 The tide was going out and exposing a rock shelf that ran for quite a distance .

 The rock shelf was interesting , in that there are shells in the rock , so have been here for a long , long time .

 Apart from a couple fishing and the campground hosts , we were the only other people along this stretch of beach .
 After some lunch we headed down to the boat launch area , and another campground that had quite a few vans in it .

 This campsite stretched for quite a few kilometres down the shoreline , beside beach and a small layer of mangroves with views out to islands and other gas plant or iron ore loader .
After driving along a few kilometres of orange gravel tracks and through and beside a lot of campsites , we headed back out to the highway again .
  Further in toward Karratha is another free camp area - Miaree Pool - the camping area is beside a permanent waterhole and would be a good place to stop for smaller vans . The track in beside the water is narrow with an overhanging tree and very little turning room . Bigger vans can stay up the top in the larger area . Here'a a couple views .

 Someone was having a swim , another guy was paddling around in his kayak , the water crystal clear with archer fish and some other larger fish swimming around .
  Another day we went north to Cleaverville Beach - this is another very popular camping area - it used to attract a lot of people over the winter months , until they changed the rules . You can only stay here for a maximum of 28 days in the 6 month period . That got a lot of people very upset , ruining their plans of spending 3,4 or 5 months here every year .
  It's about 13klms in from the highway , another dusty red dirt road . This is the view toward the boat launch area . The ocean is behind me .

 This section of the coast is rough and rugged . There is a day use area with a covered picnic table & a beach to look at , and a bit further on is the start of the camping areas . This is the view from in between a couple of camp sites to the north .

 This is looking the other way .

 The beach also had a rock shelf that the waves are gradually wearing away .

 There are lots of different campsites here , some rougher than others , but about 2 klms away is also a flat area for people with larger vans , before reverting back to more bush camping sites . Someone decided to take their van down onto the beach - they would have been getting blasted by the winds over the last few days , today included .

 If you look closely at the horizon , you can see Port Lambert iron ore loading facility .
 These are some of the islands off the coast .

 Some birds were on the beach , seeming to be asleep on one leg , others walking around slowly - they had very long beaks , and we have no idea what they are .

  Another evening we headed out the Burrup Peninsular to Hearsons Cove to see Stairway to the Moon . On the way out you pass a lot of salt ponds beside the road making for an interesting photo .

 Sunset was also looking good .

 We turned off before the biggest gas plant , but also went past this one on the way in .

  We arrived at the cove and found a parking spot on the edge of the beach with the other few hundred cars and people already here , and had our meal while waiting for the moon to rise . And rise it did .

  And that's it , you're up to date , Here's a map link :-

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