The starting point

The starting point

Wednesday 7 July 2021

2/7/21 Broome 2


  The colours of the Kimberley are on show today , here's a similar panoramic as I did in the 1st Broome blog , this one at high tide .    

    Did I say colours , here's some more .

And again , these Pindan cliffs are a joy to photograph , contrasting with the green of the trees and mangroves and the water .

     Like most jetties , if there's access , there's people fishing .

    This is the road access to the jetty , where all the cargo is transported on and off the ships . Interesting , the crane on the right is a mobile crane !

     And here is below the jetty at high tide , a huge difference from the other day at low tide .

     Not a sign you would see everyday 

   On the opposite side from the port is Reddell Beach , and at low tide you can find dinosaur footprints . I didn't try , I just walked around checking the rock pools and photo opportunities .


 Also looking for a spot to fly from , here's some aerial shots of Reddell Beach at low tide .

     That's the port at the top & left of photo

     Looking to Gantheaume Point on the left and Cable Beach top right .

    More colour from the Pindan cliffs

    Stay tuned 😎

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