The starting point

The starting point

Friday 27 August 2021

15/8/21 Discovery One Cruise Day 8


    Another stunning sunrise , this time at Hanover Bay - clouds certainly helped .

   The cliffs were awash with orange .

  A turtle appeared about 10m from the boat - I was ready for it .

  We headed off after breakfast , cruising to Prince Regent River , leaving these cliffs behind .    

       If you look under the overhang , you may see some rock art .

  We are cruising through and past many islands , making a relaxing journey catching up on blogs and organising photos .

 We went through Whirlpool Point , which has the potential to move the boat around a bit . The tide swirls around a point and turns again causing the water to swirl and create eddy's and whirlpools , fortunately or unfortunately ? our skipper chose the best time to go through .

   It wasn't much longer and the scenery started to change as we entered the start of the Prince Regent River . The two larger mountains are Mt Trafalgar on the left & Mt Waterloo on the right .

  Here's where we are .

 Things started greening up , with many different types of mangroves as well as other trees & shrubbery .

  We slowed down to navigate the river as there are sand bars and rock outcrops that need to be avoided . We followed another cruise boat up the river .

Scenery continued to change .

 Before much longer we arrived at our stop , time to separate those who were hiking up above and those who were getting dunked under King Cascades , then having a visit to Cathedral Falls . I was in the first crew hiking up above the cascades , Lyn was in the 2nd crew , so we had both bases covered !! We headed off and turned in to a little cove about 150m from the main river to see this - King Cascades . How spectacular would this be with some more water going over ?

   Continuing into the cove , heading to the right and into the mangroves , we got off the tender and started our climb upwards .


  The view back down into the cove wasn't too bad , making us wonder what we were going to get to up above .

  Didn't have to wait long to find out , we crawled over rocks and then lowered ourselves down a 3m rock using a rope , then finding this pool ready and waiting for us to go in for a swim .

There were many small cascades coming down the rocks - beautiful !!   

 We continued walking up the creek , finding more pools & cascades along the way , all dotted with pandanus & clumps of grass .

 I was very popular having a waterproof camera , photos being taken of everyone else , till Jules offered to take one of me behind the fall .

 Time disappeared and it was time to head back down , another cruise boat was coming into the cove as we came down .

 This is what we had to climb up & over down at water level .

  Meanwhile , Lyn was getting up close & personal with the cascades . Mitch took the tender under the cascades and got everbody wet , a very effective way to cool down . For some reason , we didn't get any photos of that . 

  After the dunking , they went for a scenic up the river to Cathedral Falls , there wasn't a lot of water coming over , and the inlet was a little blocked by debris .

  More gorges surround the river , reminding us how remote we are .

    Back to the boat and a cruise back down the river to our overnight anchorage . Sunset just another bonus .

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