The starting point

The starting point

Sunday 19 December 2021

3/12/21 A different view Day 3


    Awake with the birds and after a surprisingly good nights sleep , we head off toward the  small town of Yearlering . More driving through tree lined roads & wheat fields and as we drive further south , we find they are still harvesting canola and haven't started on the wheat - that we've seen anyway .

Arriving at Yearlering , we find the very attractive Lake Yearlering on one side of the road and the small township of Yearlering on the other - it's another grain handling town , with large silo's and a rail link . The wind coming off the lake was reminding us how cold it can get , so it was a quick walk then back into the ute for a look around town .

   This is the hotel , it sits off the main road and across from the wheat silo's .

    Opposite the pub is the old butchers - it opened in 1922 and closed in 1973 , supplying meat to a large area .

  Wheat fields , yes more of them 

    Just for a change , some lupins .

    On one of the back roads we went past this creek bed and found these large pink flowering bushes about 3m tall - was an unexpected sight .

    And they were pink !!

    Onto another small town - Wickepin - they have some beautiful roses red & white beside the main street 

    This native was flowering quite happily as well .

     This small homestead has been relocated here to commemorate " Albert Facey " . It was his home when he lived locally , they relocated it here and have it as a museum , which is open for inspection periodically - not today though . He wrote the book "A Fortunate Life ". We were fortunate enough to find there was a mulberry tree beside the house , and it was in full fruiting mode , so without further ado I picked a few handfuls for us to enjoy - it's been over 45 years since I'd had any mulberries , but the memories came back pretty quick - purple stained fingers , hands & lips - but boy were they good !!

   Just behind the house is the railway yard with the old loading crane still on site .

    Across the road was the hotel 

    And the bank

    Further down the street was a fenced yard that contained more tractors , bulldozers and other machinery than I'd seen in one place before , here's just some of them .

     Back on the drive , we headed out to Toolibin Lake . One side of the road was a track that followed the telstra cable - we took that track , leading us to a wetland area just north of Toolibin Lake .

    Beside the tracks and all around us were yellow everlastings and some small mulla mulla .

    There was a yellow carpet below the trees .

    The track opened up and we found another road that went to the old Toolibin football ground - it was near these lakes , but is so overgrown you wouldn't know it's there .

    It was another nice drive through the bush .

    We made our way back to Toolibin Lake for lunch , discovering the lake walk was closed , so we ate and drove out , heading to Taarblin Lake . It was only a short drive away , and we found our way down to the water , greeted by these 2 ducks - not sure what variety they are though .

     The lake was pretty full , there's lot's of trees in the water - alive and dead , the lake would be at least 50 acres in size .

   This was one of the offshoots from the lake .

    Next town was Wagin , a larger town with several hotels , again with great architecture .

    From here we headed to Katanning to do some shopping and decide on tonights destination . Deciding on Franklin River and it's small caravan park was a good option , there were 3 other vans , but they were empty as the workers had gone home for the weekend , meaning we had it to ourselves ! We took over the camp kitchen , had dinner and a really nice hot shower - it was going to be a cold night , so a hot shower was welcome .

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