The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 8 March 2022

22/2/22 Around Scarp Rd Pinjarra


   Okay , now for some of the fill ins from the last blog . On the Darling Scarp which runs from north east of Perth down into the hills around Collie , there are many dams , primarily used for steam trains and townships , some for industry - this one isn't used for anything any more except recreation . Well it was hot and we were in our swimmers , so there's only one thing to do - go for a swim , it was 36 degrees !!
 here's a birds eye view of Oakey Dam .

   Not far away is Alcoa's refinery , fed by a conveyor belt line that runs all day & probably night , making it a noisy place .

   Here's a view of the 2 together .  The water was refreshing , but after a few minutes I looked down to find several leaches swimming around us - time for a strategic exit from the water , back to the ute and off to another of our favourite spots .

   Going down Scarp Rd , we crossed over the road to Dwellingup , but continued on for another 9 kms of corrugated gravel road through the forest , till we got to this section of the Murray River . Scarp road used to continue on through the forest , but over the years the road crossings have been eroded away , and the road has been blocked off in many places . This section of the river has many sections that are beautiful to enjoy .

    You can swim in any of these crystal clear pools 

   The rocky section in the middle of the photo was where the road used to go .

  This is another section a little further down .

   This section of the river entertained / cooled us down on 5 separate days recently .

   As we do , there's a track that disappeared into the forest , so we headed down it . It was single lane , with trees & shrubbery right up to the sides of the ute , thankfully no-one else came along the other way !!

  One section was obviously closed to traffic recently , due to this tree falling across the track - it was wide enough for us to pass through - with about 5 cm either side !!

   We continued on till we could go no further - there was a large steel cable strung across the track , so we turned around and headed back out the way we came in . There was another track that headed off toward the river , but we'll leave that one for another day ?????

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