The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 17 May 2022

2/5/22 To & at Gunning


     Awaking to a sea of fog , we took our time , waiting for it to clear before packing up . So out onto the highway we go , fog still sitting in valleys around the place , and it was 10:30am !

   We pulled up at a rest area for a toilet stop and a leg stretch , and got a great surprise , one of our friends from Moss Vale just happened to stop at the same time on his way back to Moss Vale . He has moved to a property near Young , and was returning a borrowed trailer . We chatted for an hour or so , it was great to catch up with Brooke .
   Arriving at Gunning Showgrounds , we picked a spot and set up before going for a walk around town . As we were leaving the showgrounds , we found this tree - covered in fruit , yellow & orange . The yellow ones were firm & obviously not ripe , but the orange ones were very soft - the parrots were enjoying them.

   This was the tree - don't know what variety it is though ???

   Gunning Shire Office .

  Baileys garage - may have been a Holden Dealer once upon a time ?

   Caxton House 

 Caxton Cottage

   Telegraph Hotel

   An interesting building - different architecture .

   Baileys Garage - still serving petrol out the front .

   Now for some autumn colour .

   We were a little surprised with the road noise here , it was good during the day - we knew there were plenty of vehicles on the highway , but as the day ended , the traffic noise seemed to increase to a point where there was a contrast drone of vehicles - cars & trucks - all night !!!
    We left Gunning and took the old road through Breadalbane , misty fog was still hanging around , and another surprise was a wedge tail eagle sitting on one of the railway communication poles just off the road - there wasn't enough room for us to stop & get a photo unfortunately . 
   Stopping about a kilometre later , I got the drone out for a bit of a look and wasn't disappointed . The railway runs adjacent to the old road , the poplar tree shadows crossed over the road and there were some interesting patterns in the field on the left .

     Looking back toward Gunning you can see some wind turbines - last time we came through this area , I think there were less than 10 turbines - many more now though ! 

   And that's our 24 hours in Gunning , here's a map link :-
   Onwards to the Highlands !!

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