The starting point

The starting point

Sunday 2 June 2019

23/5/19 A different angle

  With a lot of the attractions here we've seen before makes it a bit harder to amuse yourself . This is Back Beach at Kalbarri on a lovely day . Emma & Mike were out at Murchison River - Natures Window - doing the 8klm loop walk - we were dog sitting again .

 This is one of the safe swimming beaches in the estuary .

 The footprints say it all - 2 people and a little dog haha .

  There's no shortage of interesting rocks on the beaches here - like a large jigsaw puzzle .

 And another beautiful sunset .

 Emma & Mike had a rest day the next day , so Lyn & I headed out to Red Bluff to do a bit of a walk along the cliffs below Red Bluff . We were pleasantly surprised by some very interesting scenery .
This rock weathered away by the elements .

 That's the lookout at the northern end of Red Bluff , we were about 40-50m below it . The rocks down here have some cray weathered patterns in them , not to mention the colours .

 There are huge chunks of rock broken off , laying at various different angles .

 Some extreme honeycombing effects here .

  Then there's the layers of white , orange & scarlet red , all in various states of eroding , causing some wonderful shapes .

 This is looking south further into the coastal cliffs NP section .

 The afternoon was beautiful , very little wind so I flew the drone again - this is the estuary and Back Beach .

 This is the estuary again .

 And again , this time showing the shops & some of the housing and parts of the golf course .

 A flying selfie - see we do still exist !!

 Another flight from beside the Murchison River see's the boat jetty and Red Bluff in the top left .

This is Red Bluff from the air - from outside the National Park !!

 Some of the rocky cliffs .

 Looking back at Red Bluff and the Eco Flora housing estate .

 That's another couple of days , here's a map link : -

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