The starting point

The starting point

Sunday 2 June 2019

28/5/19 After a long drive - Osprey Bay

 Emma & Mike headed home on saturday , I played golf , Lyn decided to do some stunt riding on her bike and bruised her ankle ! and is still feeling it . 
 Monday we had decided was going to be a big day and we packed and headed north towards Carnarvon , stopping there for some fuel and shopping , before heading further north to a free camp about 70klms out of town - that's been our biggest day for a long time - about 550 kilometres !!!!!
 We pulled up at about 4:30pm and didn't have to wait too long for sunset , the only drawback was the flies - thousands of the little bludgers , out came the flynets and they were still bloody annoying !

  Next day we got going early again and drove northwards - Exmouth was our destination , and we had a couple of nights booked out at Cape Range NP . We arrived at lunch time and decided to eat , then check the booking website again - managed to get another night at Osprey Bay for tonight . So around to the visitor centre to top up the water tank and off we went another 90 odd kms to go , bringing our 2 day tally to 882klms . 
 We set up and decided it was swim time - no time like the present , and we were only 40m from the water and it was 28 degrees - perfect !! The snorkelling gear came out of retirement for  a few days .
 There were plenty of colourful fish about .

 These ones had an almost iridescent green edge .

  The highlight of the afternoon had to be some turtles that appeared in front of me , and weren't bothered with me swimming beside them .

 What a great experience watching and swimming beside these beautiful creatures for about 5mins .

 As I was coming back towards the edge a small Leopard Ray was rummaging around in the sand for anything that resembled something to eat .

 And yes we had another glorious sunset to close the day down WOOHOO !!

 Next morning we packed up - didn't take long as we didn't unhitch , then went for a walk down to the water . There's plenty of rock shelves here with lots of access points into the water as well .

A surprise in the rocks beside the water were these fossilised coral stacks - some of which were over a metre around .

 Sandy Cove was just up a little further - aptly named !

 The jet stream cloud was pretty amazing as well .

 Okay , that's day 1 done at Cape Range . Here's a map link : -

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