The starting point

The starting point

Sunday 2 June 2019

30/5/19 Up to Mesa & Yardie

 From Kurrajong North we headed to our last day & night staying in Cape Range NP at Mesa Campground . We were going to surprise some friends from Byford - Terry & Robyn who are due to leave here tomorrow after 9 days . Well we got the surprise , they'd left due to a bereavement on Tuesday - we would have passed them on the road maybe , ah well , next time . 
 We had about 20klms to drive and arrived at 10:02 am , set up and headed back to the visitors centre to get our parks pass updated . Back for lunch then some more swimming / snorkelling at Turquoise Bay Drift . Unfortunately visibility wasn't the best , and the coral seemed to be less than I remember - seems like it's reduced in size or been buried in sand ??? Anyway I bumped into another turtle and plenty of fish , so all was good except the wind was picking up a bit . The wind here has been strong in the mornings for a few days now and backing off in the afternoon - seemingly opposite what it normally does . 
 Anyway , here's a twist - not sunset , this is sunrise . For some unknown reason we were awake at sun up , so decided to have a bit of a look out the window , and wow , it was going off so we snapped a couple of photo's 

 The day started well , we ate breakfast and packed up again , a long drive today - 39klms to Yardie Caravan Park - just north of the national park . Set up there , made lunch and headed into Exmouth to take care of some business and do some shopping . The clouds were interesting again , this time with the Very Low frequency Submarine Radio Communication Towers .

 The wind was already blowing in from the northeast making plenty of white caps as well as wind waves . This section of beach is just to the east of Vlamingh Light House at the Northern end of the North West Cape .

 And here's Vlamingh Light House with more interesting clouds - lookout sunset .

 And here it is , and how it changed over about 10 mins .

 Next day we wake to more wind , so stayed around the van and chilled out for the morning till the wind dropped around 3pm . We drove up to Graveyard Beach - a popular kite surfing location apparently - we had it to ourselves , only a lone fisherman about 500m away from us  , so the drone came out - not national park here !

 This is looking to the north toward Vlamingh Light House at the end of the range .

 Some of the dunes beside the beach .

  Then down to Tantabiddi Boat Ramp , these are the boats that do the whale shark & whale swimming tours , as well as a few glass bottom boats tours . They only go outside the reef that you can see in the distance where the water gets very deep , very quickly - they'd probably only be about 1 to 2 klms off the coast when viewing the whalesharks !!

 This is the boat ramp , the coastal plains and the ranges .

 There you have it , up to date again , here's another map link : -

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