The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 6 September 2016

6/9/16 Botanic Gardens

 We headed in to Darwin earlier today in an attempt to beat some of the relentless sunshine & heat . The temperatures up here range from 23 degrees overnight ( usually at about 6am ) and up to 35 degrees during the day - very warm !!
 We called in to the tyre dealership where we bought 4 tyres last year to arrange for a free service check , seeing as we've missed 2 of them already due to being in WA !! Thursday morning is the day !
 Around to the Botanic Gardens , we parked in another area close to Mindil Beach rather than the main entrance - may have been more luck than good management to be here !! The parking area has lots of big trees and the ute would be in shade the whole time we were here - even better !!

 We wandered into the gardens and found our way up to the info centre and got a map to assist us . First stop the plant house , there are many orchids and bromeliads in there , unfortunately for us there didn't seem to be many flowering at the present time . Then we looked a bit closer , there were some , you just had to look a bit closer as some were tiny !!

There is a set of gates made of steel with a palm cut out of it .

 There were also many other flowers starting to come out , frangipani's , heliconia's and lot's more - here they are !!

After the plant house we walked through the rainforest section , finding this tree - a Kansia from south east Asia , it has fragrant white flowers , and a nice fragrance as well , the flowers falling onto the ground below .

 There are lots of ferns & palms - all types and sizes !!

 Some wildlife will get a mention as well - scubas the Azure Kingfisher , what a beautiful bird !!

 There were also some fruit bats high up in the canopy .

 There is a beautiful timber table & bench seats  right beside the ute - a great piece of timber work !!

 With that , it was lunchtime , so after purchasing some rolls & bananas & yoghurt , we headed back down to Mindil Beach again - much quieter than last visit - and had our lunch .
 Checked out a couple of camping / caravanning shops on the way home and picked up a few things we need , before heading back to Berry Springs for a refreshing swim .
 That's it for today !!

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