The starting point

The starting point

Friday 9 September 2016

7,8&9/9/16 Work , walk & relax


 Time for some work , I had to replace a clearance light on the side of the rv , so Lyn decided to clean & wash .
 Not very exciting , but there you have it - we did go for a swim to cool off , but the pool is starting to heat up a bit , so not very cooling at the moment .


 Early start today , the ute was booked in for 8:15 am for a free tyre check - part of the package when we bought them here last year . So we were up with and before the birds and got to watch the sun come up whilst having breakfast .
 The check didn't take long , so we went off to a bearing shop and bought a couple of seals for the ute - we got caught out at Geraldton - apparently they couldn't purchase any seals there , so they didn't repack the lazy axle wheel bearings - it was Friday afternoon , so that may have influenced them a little !! We have spares now and won't be caught out again - we had them done in the last service at Broome , so had to replace the spares we had .
  Okay , Botanic Gardens - Part 2 - due to the warmth up here , we are being calculated , and only doing things while a little cooler , so we came back to the gardens for another visit , here are the results .

 This next series of 3 photos is a Cannon Ball Tree . The flowers and seeds grow on smaller branches coming from the main trunk - an interesting tree , and some of the cannon balls are quite large judging by the empty shells on the ground below .

There is another water garden apart from the fountain pool , and has beautiful water lillies , and a resident water dragon / iguana .

We waited for a while to see if it would eat the bug crawling under it's jaw , but it didn't .
 Near the sensory garden is a Boab tree and has a great timber seat , something out of a fairy tale .

Okay it's plant & flower time .

All these were taken in & around the Shade garden and the Tiwi Wet Forest . From there we walked down to the Madagascar section . One tree along the way had interesting fruit , after flowering , these small soft fruits appear and the birds love them !!

 Down into the Madagascar section we found these -

These rather spikes creations .

 And several species of the Baobab Tree - this one is the Perrier's Baobab , and has large yellow flowers about the size of a baseball cap - they were very pungent as well - you wouldn't want one outside the windows of your house , it is a bit overpowering !!!

   There were a few more spikey plants around as well .

The sun was warming things up , the humidity was pretty high this morning , but even higher up in the shade garden , it was a pleasure to get out in the more open shade !!
 Making our way back to the ute , we wandered through a nicely grassed area . We stayed in the shade as long as possible !!

 Back to the fountain pool , and the reflections were great .

 Off into Darwin and a quick visit to the information centre , we'd heard from people in the gardens that there was another museum / thingy that had only opened about 5 weeks ago . It is at Stokes Hill Wharf , and is the Royal Flying Doctor Service . They have a full size fitted out aircraft there to look out , and gives you the history of the service . The 2nd icon of Darwin is all about the war and more specifically , when the Japanese attacked Darwin . There's an interactive virtual reality display , holograms , and a life sized replica of a Japanese Zero aircraft  suspended from the roof !!
 That's one for another day . From here we headed to East Point and had lunch beside Lake Alexandra. It was cool sitting on the grass , with the breeze assisting to keep the heat down a bit - 36 degrees today !!
 Further up the to the northeast we went to Casuarina Square shopping centre - the largest in NT . That also was a welcome relief , with the air conditioning working well . A little shopping done and we headed back to Berry Springs for another swim to cool down .
 The afternoon had disappeared with a few drinks & chat with Paul , Karen , Ian & Linda on the grassed area beside the vans .
Here's a map link :-


 Relaxing day today , not to much of anything happening - except for the pool - already had a swim at 10:30 am , and it won't be the last . Enjoy your day , Cheers

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