The starting point

The starting point

Sunday 29 January 2017

28&29/1/17 Walks & Golf

 Saturday dawned and another year ticked over , number 58 ticked off !! Deciding what to do today was the big decision - golf was the answer , I hadn't played since Gundagai , so wasn't sure what would happen . Arriving at the golf club , I looked around for someone to let me know what goes on - this is a volunteer run golf club , so there are no employees . There was a group of 3 about to hit off on the first hole so I went and saw them , sure you can play with us - quickly rushing back down & put the shoes on & get organised . Then there was a second group of 2 , so I was put with them . Today was going to be hot - forecast for 35 degrees - and I got rid of the buggy to push my clubs around , so I had to carry them - it was going to be interesting !!
  As it turned out I carried the clubs for 15 holes , and was given a lift in a motorised cart for 3 of them .  By the 16th hole my feet were screaming at me - hot & sore from the golf shoes ( probably wouldn't have mattered what shoes , it was just the fact they were shoes ) only 2 holes to go and the golf was going well - much to my surprise in the heat !! I finished with a Nett 75 - par is 72 , and 34 points , so it was a reasonably good round considering - 7 shots better on the back 9 than the front 9 .
  Meanwhile , Lyn had gone down to the Goulburn River Walk . It's as described , a walk along beside the river with some historical sites , swimming hole , fishing platforms and a boat ramp , also the old bridge we visited a few days ago . There was a also a sculpture of a koala in a tree - one of a series around town - there's a judge , a policeman , a traveller , olympic torch bearer , and a few others .

  What was left of the afternoon was spent relaxing , before we went down to the Royal Hotel for dinner . We had the pleasure of eating in the beer garden , as the dining room was full - fortunately it was now in the shade , an hour earlier and we would have been just as cooked as dinner !! We were told the meals were large , so we had a garlic bread and shared a main meal - and that was huge !!! 3 pieces of fish , 3 prawns , 3 scallops , 6 calamari strips , lots of chips and half a cup of salad !!
 After dinner we felt like the michelin man - way too much food .


  Today we headed off to the Light Horse Memorial Park just outside of town . Seymour was the base  for the Light Horse Brigade - they lived and trained here before being deployed in the war . There was also quite a large contingent of American troops that also trained here .
  We had a nice surprise on the way out , Karen & Paul whom we met in WA and are now in Darwin , rang and we chatted to them for half an hour or so - it was nice to hear from them !!
  Arriving and parking the ute , we grabbed some water , our hats & camera and headed up to Anzac Hill Lookout - only 1.3klms up the hill . Along the way were several monuments - laser cut steel . The year was cut out and finer detail was cut into the numbers - impressive display !!

The detail is a bit hard to see in the photo , but it's the men riding their horses from the top right in the number seven across to the number 9 , then back to the number 1 .
Words are cut into number one on the left - Courage , Hunger , Thirst , Dust , Sand , Love , & Trust .
Further up the hill we find several sections where the foundations for huts & other buildings and a grenade throwing range . At the top of the hill is a cairn with a flagpole mounted in the middle of it , there's also a seat around it , and there are etched stones with various animals & birds on them . There are 360 degree views over the surrounding areas .

  Making our way back to the ute , it was getting hot - it reached 36 today , you could smell the dead leaves and grass baking in the sun , time for us to escape the heat for a while .
  After lunch we cooled down in the river - swimming wasn't really necessary , as you could stand in the water up to your thighs and get cooled fairly well , Lyn did go for a bit of a swim , cooling right down .
  Afternoon drinks were had with the people next door , we got to look out over the park previously full , now considerably emptier .
 That's it for today , Cheers

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