The starting point

The starting point

Wednesday 1 May 2024

1/5/24 A blurry start


    Hi there , and here we go . Yesterday , we headed to Perth Airport for the start of our next adventure . As you can see , it was a blurry start , Perth hasn't had any rain for quite a while - till today !! That's our Singapore Airlines jet arriving in the rain .

  Fast forward 5 hours and we were in Singapore , and finding our way out of the airport , then to the train, then to our accomodation for the next 3 nights . An interesting broadcast as we were going got us to get off at one station short of where we should have . Two very helpful employees got us underway again , escorting us to the lift and back on the next train . We were wondering what we'd gotten ourselves into and questioning our sanity 😂 . We made it to the hotel without too many any other drama's and again questioned our sanity - too old for this shit 😂😂🤣
  After a good night's sleep and a questionable breakfast , we headed out for the day . It was hot already - it hadn't cooled down - that'd be the reason !! Down to a chilly 28 degrees overnight !! Humidity was hovering between 60 and 75% and the temperature got up to 34 today ! We are staying at Furama Riverside , it's just out of shot to the right in the photo - taken from the overhead walkway .

    Just when we thought we were paying too much for fuel - Singapore ( where we get our fuel from ) is charging a bit more . This fill for someone was $103.95 for 38.5 litres of diesel - @ $2.70 a litre !!!!!! and it's the cheapest of the fuels !

    The MRT is the train system here and it's quite amazing - not only can you go just about anywhere in Singapore , you can do it very cheaply !! From Changi airport to Havelock station , then Havelock to Promenade station we racked up fares of about $3.80 - bloody cheap !!!! Here's the network .

 This is the actual platform where you get onto the train - the train arrives and the train doors and access doors open and people get on  & off .

    This is the internal shot of the train - everything is impossibly clean .

    After a train change and a bit of a walk , we found ourselves at the Singapore Flyer . A couple of $40 tickets and we got to go through the Time Capsule - the history of Singapore - before getting into the flyer for a 30 minute trip . Here we are in the Infinity Room .

    After queueing for too long with too many people , we finally got to jump the queue a bit - they needed 2 people instead of families of 4 or more that were lined up . We didn't mind at all because there were some really arrogant and rude people lined up with us .
   The process of getting into the pod was easy , and before we knew it we were up & away . I was pleasantly surprised to see we were right beside the pit area for the Singapore F1 GP track .

   Each pod on the flyer is the size of a bus 10m x 7m and has about 20 passengers.

   Singapore is a city in the air , skyscrapers everywhere .

    This is Gardens by the Bay , on the other side of the river .

   Marina Bay Sands Hotel has 3 towers and a deck on top that looks like the hull of a boat . There are 2 car carrying ships behind it , as well as hundreds of cars on the dock .

    Did I mention it was hot & humid , sapping the energy out of us , there were many storm clouds about with isolated showers happening .

    Views of the financial district around Marina Sands Bay . The old attraction - The Merlion - is on the edge of the bay , just to the right of this pod .

    Here's the flyer , and it's position right beside the F1 track 

                             Another view of Marina Bay Sands 

    We found our way to a shopping mall near the train station and collapsed into a chair in Harvey Norman of all places , and soaked up the air-conditioning . Out to the restaurants , we found one and went in - had a great special advertised out front - buy 1 pasta dish and get one free with some ice lemon tea as well ! Would have been great , but that's the evening special ( we probably didn't read it very well - the heat & humidity was taking it's toll on us ) . They wanted us to order via the Q code on the table - hmm , need inter web for that , hope they've got wifi . That didn't work for us either - remember the brain was a bit fried by this stage - so we got a lovely girl who came and took our order the old fashioned way 😂.
   After some sustenance and a cold drink , we were sufficiently recovered and found a supermarket upstairs on the next level , so we went & checked it out with the thought of getting some fruit and some Hydralite . We walked out without either  - I hope you can make out the prices on these Japanese oranges & apples - 4 oranges for $24.80 , then a 2 pack of ones that look the colour of lemons for $34.80 - WOW 

   After that price shock , we went back to the train and headed home via Chinatown - thousands of people there , so we didn't hang around there either . 
  Back to the hotel and time for a swim , and a chance to cool down a bit . This is just near our hotel , I just like the trees .

  And that's it for today , here's a map link :-

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