The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 21 May 2024

15/5/24 Newlands Cnr


   Another good nights sleep and we checked out the rear garden , to find the rhododendron is starting to flower , a couple of warmer days and everything is bursting into life after a damp winter/ spring .

    A pink rose with a beautiful scent .

    And the biggest flowers .

   Overnight rain settling on the leaves of this plant .

    And this little dianthus going nuts with flowers .

    There's also a beautiful Japanese Maple outside the front door .

    The 3 of us ventured out to Newlands Corner , a popular walking area , with tracks around the hills , and a car park capable of holding over 100 cars . There's also a cafe . Views over the surrounding area reminded us very much of areas around Moss Vale , Exeter , Bundanoon & Burrawang in NSW , and everything is so green !!

    Some of the roads are interesting ?? one lane blocked , so you have to stop & give way to approaching vehicles - guess it's a way of slowing down traffic , just like all the speed humps around the place - someone must have had shares in bitumen companies 😂 
  Everyone seems to be reasonably patient when driving , giving way to vehicles entering , and when confronting these lane blockages , it's not like you can speed along too much on these roads , as there's usually always traffic and very little opportunity to pass .

   This is what we envisaged , narrow country lanes , with stone walls or hedges , then a village right beside the road . Oh , and no breakdown lane like in Australia .

   Another pleasant day out , our sleep patterns are adapting to our new time zone , being 7 hours behind Perth & 9 hours behind Sydney . 

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