The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 14 May 2024

7/5/24 Athens Hop on off Day 3


     Here we go again , day 3 on the buses , spotted this nicely kept Mini parked on the street near us . It' the 2nd one in 2 days , I saw a blue one yesterday in the city traffic .


 Jumping off at the Acropolis site stop , we start wandering upwards towards the entry gates , to find it's closed again due to easter ! That's okay it's a warm day today , so would be a lot hotter up there . We saw a heap of people on the rocks to the left of the Acropolis on day 1 , so that's where we ended up for some more great views .

    This is looking toward Ancient Agora Museum ( the long roof ) and remains of the Ancient Agora .

   This is the Temple of Hephaestis on top left , and Ancient Agora ruins .

   Another view of the Acropolis 

   Here's a small church just below the Acropolis .

       We wandered past the church and down a lot of steps toward the Roman Agora . People are living very close to the Acropolis , narrow streets are joined by intersecting walkways & steps , leading us downwards  . Restaurants with plenty of customers are dotted along our walk .

   Here's part of the Roman Agora .

      Gate of Athena 

   Another 50m and there's Taverna Akropoli , serving food & drinks , so we took a table and ordered some lunch sitting here .

   After a Caesar Salad and a Carbonara , we were fuelled up and off again . Around the corner and into the flea market area with hordes of people , then even more in an eatery area , where there were even more people - you had to shout just to be heard . On through that ruckus and we arrived at Monastiraki Square , just as our bus was pulling up - timing !!  We jumped in and headed for home , another great day .

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