The starting point

The starting point

Thursday 23 May 2024

17/5/24 To & from Leith Hill


      Today we head a bit further out to Leith Hill , which is the highest hill in Surrey . The drive here was stunning , through English countryside as we had imagined , but better than expected . Here is a local church and cemetery in the church yard ..

  Typical English country roads . 

   Another section of the road took us through this cutting , which at one point goes down to a single lane through the hill . All green with trees & moss , it certainly made for an interesting drive .

  The road then took us through some forested areas , this one was partially cleared , not sure why , but it was delightful .

Arriving at the carpark in a forest was interesting - we were expecting Robin Hood to leap out in front of us at any moment . There are many trails to walk , going in all directions , most leading to the top of the hill . This tree had obviously fallen at some stage , but wasn't going to lay down & die .

    The walking tracks are narrow , but there's also vehicular access for maintenance / emergencies .

    The forest is a vibrant green and had plenty of new growth .

   Emerging from the forest we came to a view over the surrounding countryside , and more rhododendrons growing wild on the downslope .

   Buildings from a village popping through the treetops .

   Further up the hill we found a strange looking pine tree - obviously only because we hadn't seen this type before .

       All the branches are tough with leathery leaves/spikes .

      We emerge at a clearing with innovative seating , an info sign and a cattle drinking trough , oh and the Leith Tower !

   This is a Gothic style tower from the 18th century , and now has a cafe at the base - a popular spot for walkers , cyclists & dog walkers . The tower is a National Trust building , and does open for inspection on set dates .

     Back down to the car , through the moss covered ground with the odd flower showing through .

      We headed down to Wotton Hatch for lunch . It's in a quaint little village , and we got a surprise when walked in , we thought we'd come into a dining room set up for a function , but no , this was normal . The bar was down a little further , where we ordered lunch and a couple of pints , then returned to the sunshine outside .

    Quite a nice grassed area outside the pub with tables, chairs & umbrellas - more suited to us 😆😂🤣.

     After lunch we had a bit of a drive around on the way home , couldn't resist a photo of Cuckoo Corner , an old tudor style building .

   That's it for today , an excellent day out . Here's a map link :-

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