The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 14 May 2024

8/5/24 Field of Mars


    Today is more of a stop & catch up day , blogs to be done etc , besides after 8 days of go, go , go , we needed to slow down a bit . So after a morning of sitting around catching up , we went for a wander to Areos Field . We'd gotten off the bus here when we arrived , but just needed to get out in some fresh air . It was a chance to have a look at some of the other streets near the apartment .

   Arriving at the park we found this statue of Athena , discovering it is a monument to British, Australian & New Zealand Soldiers who died in WW2 .

     There are lots of tracks & pathways to follow in & around the park . Some of these are lined with Grapes ( you can hardly call them vines , more like trees ) with the trunks painted white . It's quite common here to have tree trunks painted white , not sure why ?

    This is a Judas Tree , colourful red seed pods were nice to see .

  Another favourite of Athens are the Oleanders , pink ones & white ones .

    And just so we weren't feeling homesick haha , there are plenty of gum trees as well .  

   The locals love this park , with seats in abundance , there are runners , joggers & cyclists using the tracks & trails .
There's plenty of Olive trees & Orange Trees as well . Doesn't seem to be many streets that don't have orange trees , with rotting fruit falling onto the street and cars as well - so much fruit gone to waste . 

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