The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 14 May 2024

9/5/24 Acropolis


  Time to get out & about again , we decided to go to the Acropolis today . I noticed what looked like a huge bee outside the window , it was the size of a christmas beetle and was black with a gold band across it's back . We found out later , that it is a Carpenter Bee .

   Back down to the museum and onto the bus . After about 5 stops we were at the Acropolis again , seemed like half the modern world were also here - it was hectic . After a toilet stop we headed up to the ticket office & entry that we'd seen the other day when it was closed . Lining up with hordes of other people , we made our way slowly forward . A lady beside us started talking to us , asking if we had our tickets ( we must have looked lost ) , we said no , this was the line to the ticket office wasn't it ??? No apparently this was the line to get in the entry gate , the ticket office was down below us , with a line about 200m long snaking around a marble roadway . Bugger , we exited the line stage left , and made our way back to the ticket line and contemplated our options . A Greek gentleman approached us and said the tickets are sold out till the 2pm time slot , but he had tickets and would give us a guided tour for 40 euro's each ( tickets are 20 euro's ) . We thought for about 10 seconds , before accepting this offer to jump all the queues , and get a tour as well . It was worth it to just jump the queue , some other young guys took advantage of it as well , just to get in in front of the lineups . We didn't have to pay him till we were inside the gates with about 12 others who jumped at the deal also . 
   We were like sheep being herded upwards and onwards , our guide waiting for everyone in our group to arrive before starting his talk , meanwhile lines of people streamed past us . 

    This is such an impressive site for the Acropolis , mounted up on top of this rocky outcrop , vertical walls around 3 sides and only one entry made it easier to protect & defend . We joined the lines again , making our way up through marble columns and remains of buildings to the top level . The scale and size of what is left is quite amazing . The marble paths & tracks , in fact most of the rocky area's have all been polished by the hordes of people walking over them - they would be extremely slippery if they were wet !

  This is looking over the eastern side to the remains of Theatre of Dionysus

   This is looking at the Temple of Zeus bottom right and the Olympic Stadium in between the 2 green hills.

   Here's the back of the Acropolis , there were 2 rows of columns , then the building inside . It was used to store lots of gold & treasures . In an interesting twist , apparently you had to go in the entry door at the back to get in - and this is the back of the building .

  Scattered all around the Acropolis site are relics & pieces , some from onsite , others from other sites around the city & surrounds . This was the only cannon we saw , complete with cannon balls - one looked to be stuck in the cannon just above where it broke - maybe it cracked when they were firing it ????? we'll never know .

    Some of the many piles of spare parts .

    And some more .

   Here's a photo that gives you some scale to the size of it all 

    This is on the side of the Erechtheion and is The Porch of the Caryatids , 6 statues of women .

  After some lunch and checking out what was around the Acropolis , we headed back down & out , walking back down to Monastariki Square , battling the hordes of people that were out & about , doing their touristy thing , or their normal daily lives .
   Here's some of the buildings on the way down .

   And one of the streets - this is a smart car - a 2 seater that fits these streets perfectly .

   We were pleased to be able to jump straight back onto a bus and head for home , Athens is a very hectic city with the locals and tourists swarming around the place like ants . The roads are no better and I wouldn't want to be a bus driver for love nor money . You stop at the lights and a swarm of motor bikes & scooters engulf you , lights change and off they go , it all happens again at the next red light , another swarm arrives . Then there are the yellow taxi's , tour buses , cars & police . 

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you're having a great time. Continue to enjoy. Any number of people around you would be a crowd compared to where you've been for the last few months.
