Another day in beautiful Vienna , we decide ti visit another palace - not sure if it's going to be as over the top as Schonbrunn is ??? Tram into town again , love the public transport here , it works really well !! This is the fountain in front of the memorial for Russian Soldiers .
Some of the more colourful houses in Vienna .
The Austrian Parliament building also gets a look in .
Another bus ride and we were at Belvedere Palace , the gates are certainly not modest , but not as overstated as Schonbrunn .
We had our admission here as well included in the Vienna Pass . Backpacks aren't allowed inside , so we had to get a locker to put them in - the first one where we get our money back when we remove our bags !!
Entering into the first room we decided it wasn't like Schonbrunn , but still out there . It has marble floors and door frames - so plenty of outlay to get that all done .
The Asian inspired room with plenty of mirrors .
Culture time , we visited the Horse Stables for an art exhibition - yes you read right - talk about fish out of water 😂😂🤣
I had more interest in these gates .
They had a lot of very early art from the castles .
We viewed , then walked outside to the Privvy Garden for an interesting stroll around . This is more our speed !!

What would have been a very bland wall , was covered in ivy , definitely making it more interesting . Many flowers are out blooming .
Looking back to the stables at the back left .
Give me a puddle of water and I can create something of interest to me 😉
And again , most people avoid them , me however .
This is Upper Belvedere and the walkway to it , plenty of people about to .
The gardeners are artists in there own right .
They have a fascination with women and large breasts , lions and angel wings . They feature regularly as we walk around .
More pools , statues and fountains adorn the outdoor areas .
This is what the Upper Belvedere looks like - but the whole front facade is covered and undergoing restoration . It means you can get a photo of what it looked like , and what it will look like again .
Back to culture again , art exhibits on every floor , we were mainly there for the experience .
Oh and the exercise , going up & down stairs 😆
We did like the upper windows .
Here's one from the famous Austrian Artist Gustav Klimt
This is a small chapel .
We did like this one , it's a wood carving , and is so intricate - certainly some skills there . It's about 450mm high and made out of lime wood .
There was also some more modern art .
And this one we did like
Well , the verdict , we enjoyed this palace , still over the top though . They certainly would have had a lot of people employed as builders etc , then servants to carry on after the build .
This is one of my favourite photo's of the palace - another day of culture complete !!
Not sure it'll have a profound effect on us , but we enjoyed it none the less . Here's a map link :-