The starting point

The starting point

Tuesday 18 June 2024

7/6/24 Tucepi to Podstrana & Split


    After a great night's sleep , we had some breakfast and headed off into the unknown again . This drive continues to give , spectacular views of the coast around every corner . We managed to pull off the main road when we could , just so we could go down to the water and check the views - believe me , I didn't get much time to see the views whilst driving , so I had to take advantage when I could !! This little marina came as a surprise , but look at those mountains - stunning !

    We were a bit mesmerised by these mountains right beside the sea .

    There's a lot of very expensive yachts in marina's all along the coast .

    One comment we do have to make about Croatia , there's a big lack of Public Toilets and signs for them . We headed uphill to empty the bladder and found these artichokes out in flower .

   How can you not love these mountains .

     Hope you're not getting sick of the views yet , we certainly aren't .

    Stopping short of Split , we have booked another apartment about 12 kms away from Split at Podstrana. It was lunchtime , so we went looking for a restaurant to have a meal . One of the local ones looked good - and had a carpark with it !! I had pork chops & vegetables and Lyn had a spaghetti carbonara , both meals were good and plenty of it . 

    After lunch we went and booked in to our apartment . The road up to this one was a challenge in itself , thankfully I wasn't driving the land cruiser , as it wouldn't have made it around the corners with the one lane road . The next photo shows our driveway - it too is only just one car wide ! This is the view from our small balcony - not too horrible 😆

    Time to head into Split for a look , not many photo's here , it was way too busy , traffic and people getting sorted for Friday night out . Finding somewhere to go without having to find parking as well was becoming a bit daunting , I couldn't make head nor tail from one of the parking pay stations , so we found a quiet spot away from the crowds down beside the sea , where we had a baguette with banana for tea . We chose to make a diplomatic withdrawal and head back to the apartment and check out sunset from the balcony instead . Different types of architecture here in these buildings .

     Just in time to get some shots as the sun disappeared . The clouds you see are caused by jet trails - there are hundreds of jets flying overhead all day . Most times when you look up you can see at least 6 to 8 planes !!

     The lights in the distance are from Split .

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