The starting point

The starting point

Monday 3 June 2024

25/5/24 Horsell walk


    Saturday arrived , Justin , Taylor & Isla had birthday parties to go to , so Lyn and I just had a walk around the neighbourhood , checking out more of the local area of Woking and Horsell . Across the canal and down a couple of streets , checking out houses & gardens .

    There are lots of roses out at the moment .

   This one was intriguing , with yellow and red flowers from the one plant .

    Some poppies for a change .

    Different houses on this side of Horsell - they seem to have more room for car parking & back yards as well !

     Wandering down another street , we met a guy who said Hello and then proceeded to chat to us for about 10 minutes . Turns out he has a brother at Preston Beach - just south of Mandurah where Emma is . Small world ! 

    We ambled back home , had a shower & cleaned up before the others came home . When they did it was hustle , hustle , we were going out to The Cricketers at Horsell for dinner . It has a huge beer garden out the back , with tables & chairs , pods ( gazebos with roof & 3 walls ) and a kids playground . The British are a very social lot , spending a lot of nights down at the pub or club . Most cricket clubs have their own clubhouse and sell alcohol - win , win for a lot of cricketers I played with 😉😂😂

     A cruise Saturday , nice to slow down a little bit every now & again , here's a map link :-

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