The starting point

The starting point

Monday 16 November 2015

Paddling with dolphins 16/11/15

 Today we decided to go for a paddle , we thought why not go down to the Murray River . Murray River , I hear you say , Yep , Murray River - WA of course - it flows into the Indian Ocean at Mandurah !
 Arriving at 9am , we slipped into the water and paddled around to the swimming area . Over the other side of the river were a pod of dolphins - 6 of them !! They were swimming around the short piers beside the esplanade , giving everyone there a good show .

  We floated into the middle and watched for a while before the dolphins headed our way , surfacing 5m from us , they dived again and swam just below us , reappearing a few metres away . The largest one has had a run in with a propeller or something - it's dorsal fin was a bit damaged , there were 4 others and a smaller , younger one also .

  We paddled back across and into the canal system , the dolphins also had decided to go that way . There was a dredge working in the canal , but we kept going into the waterfront estate to see how the other half live . The houses were quite large , being built over every last centimetre of the block of land - they dont have backyards here , just entertaining areas , and a small jetty for the boat / boats . Most looked cheap and nasty - Not !! And most have a rather large motor cruiser parked outside , the odd couple of jet skis , maybe 4 or 5 kayaks or a party boat .

 After manoeuvring our way through several canals , we linked up with another and found our way back into the river , paddling back to the ute .
 What a stunning paddle , dolphins swimming with us , under us , and all around us , as well as checking some great & not so great architecture .
 As it was 27 degrees and we were a bit warm , we headed around to the swimming area for a dip to cool off . While we were swimming the dolphins had reappeared in the river again , we hopped out onto the floating walkway and watched them for a while . One jumped over a rope with lots of buoys , then swam straight toward the swimming enclosure , then into the swimming enclosure chasing fish , before exiting on the other side . There goes our idea that this was a netted swimming enclosure , I now think it is just a boat free area !!!  We swam back in and hopped out , going for a walk up the beach to help dry off .
 Coming back we went out on the pontoon that protects the swimming area from boats , to see another dolphin swim straight to us , before diving below us and reappearing in the enclosure . These dolphins are used to people and boats , not being scared off at all .
 It was lunch time , so we headed around to Halls Head , just south of the entrance to the river , finding a nice park beside the beach to sit and eat .
 Back to the RV after a little bit of shopping , to clean up the kayak & gear . Emma & Pepper arrived not long after , and we sat & chatted to them .
 A bit remiss of me , we had one of the best electrical storms I've seen for many years on Saturday night  , with many lightning strikes & thunder that seemed to just keep on rumbling , not much more than a few millimetres of rain though . The lightning started many fires over here , some of which are still burning today .
 That's your lot for today !!

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