The starting point

The starting point

Sunday 24 July 2016

23&24/7/16 Jetty walk / ride

  Here again , the temperature has finally got back to normal up here . The temps overnight have been down below 10 degrees , the days up to 33 - quite warm !!
  Due to the heat , we decided to do the jetty to jetty walk by bike - much easier !! It is an historical walk , sign posts with stories of Broome’s pearling history were at regular intervals.
 There is a statue of a lady holding some pearl shell in her extended hands , it stands for the many women who lost their husbands , boyfriends , brothers , cousins etc whilst diving for pearls , or the long trips in & out in the pearling luggers .

 Across the road is a beautiful park with Boab trees and a war memorial . There’s a panel describing the damage received in Broome from the Japanese bombing raids . Flying boats were sunk in Roebuck Bay , bombers were destroyed at Broome airport , there were 88 people killed - a lot of those were Dutch who were in the flying boats , waiting to be flown further south , when the Japanese surprised them with an air raid . 

 Further up the road past Matso’s Brewery ( they do a really nice mango beer !! ) we found another site up on the hill , where the local aborigines lived and entertained the pearlers . There is a shell midden across the road in the sand dune . The local aborigines still live here in a few houses - there is a midden , but not of shells !! 

After reaching the jetty , we sat and had a drink , before checking out the China Town Marketplace . Here and across the road are many pearl jewellery shops - easy to spend a lot of money here !!!
 We headed back to town beach and had a rest down at the beach , we watched a few people having a swim - it looked like a good option . Next minute a Dept. of Parks & Wildlife boat appeared and let a couple of people off on the beach , they then motored slowly along the beachfront advising people to get out of the water as there are some salt water crocodiles about . The beach cleared rapidly , it had the desired effect !!

 From here we headed round to Cable Beach for a look . It is one of the better views , the colour of the water & sand are outstanding !!

Cable Beach is also having croc problems , with the beach closed a couple of days ago , and still is  - we heard today , it has been reopened after 2 days closed . 

Saturday night was speedway night in Broome , and seeing as we weren’t far away , I headed down with Kym & Caroline . We walked in , paid our $5 entry fee , and got a seat along the main straight , sitting on a bar stool about 4m from the track - we could have driven and parked beside the fence - but this was a good spot !! There were go karts , 4 cylinder cars , V6 & V8’s sedans , and small speedcars that are powered by a 1000 cc motorbike engine - boy do they get up and get going . The amount of competitors was a bit limited , so we got to see them all several times over , but it was still an entertaining night !! 

  Today was spent food shopping and getting organised for our next few days , but that’s another story - stay tuned !!

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